Global rank:
25,795 / 95,291
Skill pts: 0


Bilal graduated as a Mechanical Engineer (Master's Degree in Hydrocarbons and Chemistry: mechanics of petrochemical units) in September 2017 He had a split career.  worked in the industry and He did some courses for the Bachelor’s students. This has helped Himto  relate between  the practicality of work place to the thoroughness of academic study. 

He have also a (License in Hydrocarbons and Chemistry: mechanics of petrochemical units)

He took a 6 month Theoretical training on Maintenance (Petroleum Mechanics)  In The IAP (INSTITUT ALGERIEN DE PETROLE)

 have Bachelor's in Math technique (Electrical engineering) in July 2011

 Worked 2 years in a gas unit field (liquefied petrol gas LGP)


Age: 32

Joined: January 25, 2019


English Professional working proficiency

French Full professional proficiency

Arabic Native or bilingual proficiency


Algiers, Djelfa, Algeria