Global rank:
26,710 / 94,233
Skill pts: 0


Howdy all! My name is Jacob Kilian, I am a 3D Design and Printing Specialist. My background is in engineering and 3D modelling. I got my start in the foot industry while pursuing my degree at Embry-Riddle Prescott. A unique startup needed engineers to help 3D Print custom insoles based around a CAD design of individuals feet. Long story short, I spent a long time doing CAD work for them before setting off on my own.

As an entrepreneur at heart, I realized I would never get to my dreams without pursuing my own business, so here I am! I have a varied skillset and mix of experiences, including my Solidworks CWSA certification, so I can tackle just about anything!


  • Embry Riddle Aeronautical University - Prescott Bachelors Degree, Aerospace Engineering 2020 graduation

Age: 25

Joined: April 22, 2019


Prescott, AZ, United States