Global rank:
8,366 / 96,274
Skill pts: 1


We are a design team include 3 groups: System Design, Layout PCB & Mechanical.
We have +15 years experience of Developing custom electronics, Hardware Design, Firmware, App and +7 years experience of 3D Mechanical(3D print, CNC and molds).

Our key skills are IoT, Embedded KIT, Digital & Analog, High-speed, Memory, WIFI, GPRS, GPS, RF, BLE... We have designed up to +24 layers PCB.
Experience designing high density boards include FPGA, Flash, DDRx, PCIEx, SATA, Ethernet, BLE, WIFI, HDMI, USB, QSFP, LVDS...etc.
Also, we provide FAB, ASSEMBLY & TEST services.
We can make any prototypes, even support mass production.

We use the expertise of the following software:
- Allegro/Orcad
- Altium.
- Eagle
- Mentor Pads.
- Expedition
- Solidworks/ Autocad.

We provide Service & Support even after completion of the projects,when ever necessary.
Please contact me & we can discuss more.


Age: 45

Joined: April 23, 2019

Last seen: April 3, 2024


Hanoi, Ha Noi, Vietnam