Global rank:
28,855 / 94,732
Skill pts: 0
3D Modeling CAD Design CorelDRAW Engineering Design MATLAB Problem Solving for Design Visual Basic (VB / .net)


I'm a masters' student with significant experience in 3D modeling and engineering design. My past 3D modeling projects include: a car ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ mount, an autonomous boat steering system, a cart-on-rail control system, and an aluminum can crusher.


  • Controls Engineering Co-op BMW · May 2018 – Dec 2018 7 mos Spartanburg, SC, USA At BMW, I pulled and manipulated controller output data to determine which areas in the factory needed equipment or controls improvements. This work involved coding in visual basic, observing the assembly line for inefficiencies, and deciding how each problem in the plant could be fixed safely and inexpensively.
  • Performance Engineering Co-op GE Aviation · Jan 2017 – Aug 2017 7 mos Cincinnati, OH, USA At GE, I ran performance simulations for aero-derivative power generation gas turbines (jet engines retro-fitted with equipment to generate power instead of thrust). The job involved intense coding projects in C++ as well as some engineering design.
  • Research Assistant NC State University Department if Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering · Aug 2016 – Dec 2016 4 mos Raleigh, NC, USA I worked under Dr. Gregory Buckner to design the steering system for an autonomous boat. The system involves a set of gears that control the orientation of a propeller. It was essentially a fanboat, but the entire fan could be rotated on a turntable (rather than using rudders). All parts were modeled in SolidWorks and several custom parts were created for the project.


  • NC State Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering 2019 – 2020
  • NC State Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, 3.7 2014 – 2019 Activities and Societies: Pi Tau Sigma Honor Society Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society NC State Sustainability Stewards University Scholars Program Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Departmental Honors Program

Licenses & Certifications

  • Certified Associate - Mechanical Design (CSWA) Dassault Systemes Oct 2017 – Present


Age: 28

Joined: September 18, 2019

Area of Expertise


Raleigh, NC, United States