Global rank:
32,311 / 96,235
Skill pts: 0
3D Modeling SolidWorks 3D Solidworks Adobe Creative Cloud CAD Design Creative Direction Grasshopper for Rhinoceros 3D Industrial Design Innovation Innovation Design KeyShot 3D Rendering Manufacturing Mechanical Engineering Microsoft Office Product Design Product Development Rhinoceros (RhinoCAD, Rhino 3D)


We've been creating brands, designing and developing new products, and destroying mediocrity for over a decade and a half. We are huge design nerds and LOVE helping clients get to places they haven't been before. Rebuilding brands for international clients or helping start-ups get the most bang for the buck in the U.S.A., we love what we do and we want to help you do it.


  • Principal / Creative Director James Owen Design · Full-time Apr 2024 – Present 11 mos Portland, OR, United States


  • Kendall College of Art and Design B.A Fine Art & Design, Industrial Design & Product Development 1990 – 1994