Global rank:
33,250 / 95,837
Skill pts: 0


- Suggest Proposals / solutions, do the related str. design (concrete/steel) to meet all the requirement.
- Study the drg.s and highlight the difficulties and create all kind of shop drgs and Composite drgs. And make proposals to solve the issues by making proposals design,modeling,analyzing,....


  • Lead structural engineer SEG · Full-time May 2017 – Present 7 yrs 10 mos Kuwait City, Al Asimah Governate, Kuwait -Kuwait University Project -SAAF / KUWAIT (Consultant : GC/SOM)
    (550 M $ ) As Structural dept. Manager :
    -In charge of site for construction and quality control.
    -Led structural, site engineers to improve the sit progress.
    -Solve the site Str. problems.
    - Suggest Proposals / solutions, do the related str. design (concrete/steel) to meet all the requirement.
    - Led str. staff to study the contract drg.s and highlight the difficulties and create all kind of shop drgs and Composite drgs.
    - Manage the technical office.
    -Coordinate with all another main contractors and subcontractors.
    - Study the design drg.s and highlight the difficulties and make proposals to solve.
    -Make RFIs, technical reports and letters, and make proposals design.
  • Senior Structural Engineer Sinohydro Corporation Limited · Full-time Oct 2013 – Apr 2017 3 yrs 6 mos Kuwait City, Al Asimah Governate, Kuwait -Kuwait University Project -5A&5B / KUWAIT (Consultant : CCA/SSH)
    (300 M $ ) As Senior Structural Engineer / Technical Manager :
    -In charge of site for construction and quality control.
    -Led structural, site engineers to improve the sit progress.
    -Solve the site Str. problems.
    - Led technical staff to study the contract drg.s and highlight the difficulties and create all kind of shop drgs and Composite drgs.
    - Manage the technical office.
    -Coordinate with all another main contractors and subcontractors.
    - Study the design drg.s and highlight the difficulties and make proposals to solve.
    -Make RFIs, technical reports and letters, and make proposals design.
  • Senior Structural Engineer Alghanim International Company · Full-time May 2010 – Sep 2013 3 yrs 4 mos Kuwait City, Al Asimah Governate, Kuwait The Resort at The Avenues – Phase III / KUWAIT (Consultant : PACE)
    (950 M $ ) As Technical Manager
    -In charge of site for construction and quality control.
    -Led structural, site engineers to improve the sit progress.
    -Solve the site Str. problems.
    - In collaboration with 4 Str.Engineers and 12 Draftsmen, study the design drg.s and highlight the difficulties and create the composite drg.
    -Coordinate with all subcontractors and take approved from consultant to provide site more than 2100 Str.Shop Drg.s
    -Make RFIs, technical reports and letters, and make proposals design.
    -Solve the site Str. problems.
  • Senior Structural Engineer Abduel Rahman Al- Bisher Sons Company · Full-time Feb 2005 – May 2010 5 yrs 3 mos Kuwait City, Al Asimah Governate, Kuwait A – Contract No .( 1080) 2008 : for Public Authority for Housing Welfare /
    KUWAIT (56 M $ ) ; as Coordinator Engineer .
    - Led technical staff to study the contract drg.s and highlight the difficulties and create the composite drgs. Manage the technical office.
    -Coordinate with all subcontractors and take approved from ministry to provide site Str. Shop Drg.s for 208 Houses with 4 type, Mosque, Secondary school, and Supermarket in South Jahra.
    -Solve the site Str. problems.

    B- Contract No .(30952) 2007 : New Maintenance Workshop for Operation
    Group South and East Kuwait for Kuwait Oil Company / KUWAIT
    ( 13 M $ ) ; As Site Engineer.
    - Led technical staff to study the contract drg.s and highlight the difficulties and create the composite drgs.
    -Coordinate with all subcontractors and take approved from K.O.C. to provide site Str.Shop Drg.s
    -Follow up the construction and coordinate with supervisors and subcontractors to delivering the project ahead of schedule and under budget.
    -Make daily reports about H.S.E.

    C- Contract No .( 15/2007 ) : Tadamon Stadium for Sport and Youth / KUWAIT
    Authority ( 7 M $ ) as Deputy Project Manager.
    - Led technical staff to study the contract drg.s and highlight the difficulties and create the composite drgs.
    -Coordinate with all subcontractors and take approved from ministry to provide site Str.Shop Drg.s
    -Follow up the construction and coordinate with supervisors and subcontractors to delivering the project ahead of schedule and under budget.
    -Direct project planning, scheduling, risk assessments.
    -In charge of site management.

    D- Contract No . (118) 2007 Ministry of Public Works ; Al-Zahraa Neighborhood
    Center / KUWAIT ( 25 M $ ) as Sector Engineer .
    - Led technical staff to study the contract drg.s and highlight the difficulties and create the composite drgs.
    -Coordinate with all subcontractors and take approved from ministry to provide site Str.Shop Drg.s
    -Follow up the construction and coordinate with site engineers, supervisors and subcontractors to delivering the project ahead of schedule and under budget.
    -Direct project planning, scheduling, risk assessments.

    E- Contract No . (106) 2005 Ministry of Public Works ; Four Nursery in Jahraa
    and South Souraa / KUWAIT ( (14 M $ ) as Site Engineer .
    Follow up the construction and coordinate with supervisors and subcontractors to delivering the project ahead of schedule and under budget.
  • Site engineer / Assistant site manager GTC · Full-time Apr 2001 – Feb 2005 3 yrs 10 mos Kuwait City, Al Asimah Governate, Kuwait A – Contract No .( 977) 2005 : for Public Authority for Housing Welfare /
    KUWAIT; (3,5 M $); as Material Engineer.
    B – Contract No .( 359) 2003 : for Ministry of Interior ; G.P.S Geographic
    Survey / KUWAIT ; (3 M $) ; as Project Manger
    C- Contract No .( 53) 2003 : for Ministry of Public Work / KUWAIT
    (1,5 M $) ; as Site Engineer .
    D- Contract No .( 58) 2001 : for Kuwait University / KUWAIT
    (1,55 M $) ; as Site Engineer .
    E- Contract No .( PP/Ku/24) 2001 : for Kuwait Airport / KUWAIT
    (1 M $) ; as Site Engineer .


  • Damascus University Bach. of Civil Engineering, Structural, 75 % 1992 – 1998

Other experience

  • Freelance BIM Modeling


Joined: May 31, 2020

