- Suggest Proposals / solutions, do the related str. design (concrete/steel) to meet all the requirement.
- Study the drg.s and highlight the difficulties and create all kind of shop drgs and Composite drgs. And make proposals to solve the issues by making proposals design,modeling,analyzing,....
Lead structural engineer
SEG · Full-time
May 2017 –
7 yrs 10 mos
Kuwait City, Al Asimah Governate, Kuwait
-Kuwait University Project -SAAF / KUWAIT (Consultant : GC/SOM)
(550 M $ ) As Structural dept. Manager :
-In charge of site for construction and quality control.
-Led structural, site engineers to improve the sit progress.
-Solve the site Str. problems.
- Suggest Proposals / solutions, do the related str. design (concrete/steel) to meet all the requirement.
- Led str. staff to study the contract drg.s and highlight the difficulties and create all kind of shop drgs and Composite drgs.
- Manage the technical office.
-Coordinate with all another main contractors and subcontractors.
- Study the design drg.s and highlight the difficulties and make proposals to solve.
-Make RFIs, technical reports and letters, and make proposals design.
Senior Structural Engineer
Sinohydro Corporation Limited · Full-time
Oct 2013 –
Apr 2017
3 yrs 6 mos
Kuwait City, Al Asimah Governate, Kuwait
-Kuwait University Project -5A&5B / KUWAIT (Consultant : CCA/SSH)
(300 M $ ) As Senior Structural Engineer / Technical Manager :
-In charge of site for construction and quality control.
-Led structural, site engineers to improve the sit progress.
-Solve the site Str. problems.
- Led technical staff to study the contract drg.s and highlight the difficulties and create all kind of shop drgs and Composite drgs.
- Manage the technical office.
-Coordinate with all another main contractors and subcontractors.
- Study the design drg.s and highlight the difficulties and make proposals to solve.
-Make RFIs, technical reports and letters, and make proposals design.
Senior Structural Engineer
Alghanim International Company · Full-time
May 2010 –
Sep 2013
3 yrs 4 mos
Kuwait City, Al Asimah Governate, Kuwait
The Resort at The Avenues – Phase III / KUWAIT (Consultant : PACE)
(950 M $ ) As Technical Manager
-In charge of site for construction and quality control.
-Led structural, site engineers to improve the sit progress.
-Solve the site Str. problems.
- In collaboration with 4 Str.Engineers and 12 Draftsmen, study the design drg.s and highlight the difficulties and create the composite drg.
-Coordinate with all subcontractors and take approved from consultant to provide site more than 2100 Str.Shop Drg.s
-Make RFIs, technical reports and letters, and make proposals design.
-Solve the site Str. problems.
Senior Structural Engineer
Abduel Rahman Al- Bisher Sons Company · Full-time
Feb 2005 –
May 2010
5 yrs 3 mos
Kuwait City, Al Asimah Governate, Kuwait
A – Contract No .( 1080) 2008 : for Public Authority for Housing Welfare /
KUWAIT (56 M $ ) ; as Coordinator Engineer .
- Led technical staff to study the contract drg.s and highlight the difficulties and create the composite drgs. Manage the technical office.
-Coordinate with all subcontractors and take approved from ministry to provide site Str. Shop Drg.s for 208 Houses with 4 type, Mosque, Secondary school, and Supermarket in South Jahra.
-Solve the site Str. problems.
B- Contract No .(30952) 2007 : New Maintenance Workshop for Operation
Group South and East Kuwait for Kuwait Oil Company / KUWAIT
( 13 M $ ) ; As Site Engineer.
- Led technical staff to study the contract drg.s and highlight the difficulties and create the composite drgs.
-Coordinate with all subcontractors and take approved from K.O.C. to provide site Str.Shop Drg.s
-Follow up the construction and coordinate with supervisors and subcontractors to delivering the project ahead of schedule and under budget.
-Make daily reports about H.S.E.
C- Contract No .( 15/2007 ) : Tadamon Stadium for Sport and Youth / KUWAIT
Authority ( 7 M $ ) as Deputy Project Manager.
- Led technical staff to study the contract drg.s and highlight the difficulties and create the composite drgs.
-Coordinate with all subcontractors and take approved from ministry to provide site Str.Shop Drg.s
-Follow up the construction and coordinate with supervisors and subcontractors to delivering the project ahead of schedule and under budget.
-Direct project planning, scheduling, risk assessments.
-In charge of site management.
D- Contract No . (118) 2007 Ministry of Public Works ; Al-Zahraa Neighborhood
Center / KUWAIT ( 25 M $ ) as Sector Engineer .
- Led technical staff to study the contract drg.s and highlight the difficulties and create the composite drgs.
-Coordinate with all subcontractors and take approved from ministry to provide site Str.Shop Drg.s
-Follow up the construction and coordinate with site engineers, supervisors and subcontractors to delivering the project ahead of schedule and under budget.
-Direct project planning, scheduling, risk assessments.
E- Contract No . (106) 2005 Ministry of Public Works ; Four Nursery in Jahraa
and South Souraa / KUWAIT ( (14 M $ ) as Site Engineer .
Follow up the construction and coordinate with supervisors and subcontractors to delivering the project ahead of schedule and under budget.
Site engineer / Assistant site manager
GTC · Full-time
Apr 2001 –
Feb 2005
3 yrs 10 mos
Kuwait City, Al Asimah Governate, Kuwait
A – Contract No .( 977) 2005 : for Public Authority for Housing Welfare /
KUWAIT; (3,5 M $); as Material Engineer.
B – Contract No .( 359) 2003 : for Ministry of Interior ; G.P.S Geographic
Survey / KUWAIT ; (3 M $) ; as Project Manger
C- Contract No .( 53) 2003 : for Ministry of Public Work / KUWAIT
(1,5 M $) ; as Site Engineer .
D- Contract No .( 58) 2001 : for Kuwait University / KUWAIT
(1,55 M $) ; as Site Engineer .
E- Contract No .( PP/Ku/24) 2001 : for Kuwait Airport / KUWAIT
(1 M $) ; as Site Engineer .
Damascus University
Bach. of Civil Engineering, Structural, 75 %
1992 – 1998