Global rank:
33,664 / 95,239
Skill pts: 0


I am mechanical engineer with proficiency in Solidworks, Auto-cad ,CATIA,BLADEGEN for design software. I have done simulation projects in ANSYS FLUENT/CFX . I have used Octave/Matlab forseveral projects. Currently, I am involved in optimisation of Francis Turbine Runner using Artificial Neural Network


  • Research and Development Engineer MecheNepal · Full-time May 2016 – Present 8 yrs 10 mos Kathmandu, Central Development Region, Nepal I work as a research engineer in deployment of Artificial Neural Network to optimize designs


  • Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering BACHELER OF ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL , 3.6 2012 – 2016


Joined: June 21, 2020


Kathmandu, Bagmati, Nepal