Global rank:
34,676 / 95,460
Skill pts: 0


Mechanical engineer with an industry experience 3years in the medical device and automobile field. I'm new in the freelancer stream but have the credibility to complete the projects with great quality and outstanding on-time delivery.

*3 Years of experience with Solidworks.
*Working in an MNC as a design engineer from the past 3 years.
*Design and development of industrial and consumer products.
*Design verification and validation.
*Currently working in a startup that has a very high chance of success.


  • Design Engineer L&T Technologies and services · Full-time Mar 2018 – Present 7 yrs Bengaluru, KA, India Mechanical engineer with an industry experience 3years in the medical device and automobile field. I'm new in the freelancer stream but have the credibility to complete the projects with great quality and outstanding on-time delivery.

    *3 Years of experience with Solidworks.
    *Working in an MNC as a design engineer from the past 3 years.
    *Design and development of industrial and consumer products.
    *Design verification and validation.
    *Currently working in a startup that has a very high chance of success.


  • Sanjay Gandhi Polytechnic mechaical engineering , mechincal, 8.8 2014 – 2017

Other experience

  • Maintainance Engineer Bosch automotive electronics pvt ltd


Joined: August 3, 2020


English Professional working proficiency


Bengaluru, Karnataka, India