Global rank:
6,841 / 94,912
Skill pts: 5
CAD Design Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Engineering SolidWorks SolidWorks Composer SolidWorks Electrical SolidWorks eDrawings


I am a Mechanical Engineering student at the University of Alabama. As part of my curriculum, I have taken courses in SolidWorks and have a good understanding of the software.

3D Models


  • The University of Alabama Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Sophomore 2019 – 2023 Activities and Societies: Honors College, Club Lacrosse I am a second-year student looking for additional money through freelance projects. I have experience in SolidWorks through my coursework.


Joined: August 6, 2020


English Native or bilingual proficiency

Spanish Limited working proficiency


Woodstock, GA, United States