Global rank:
37,160 / 95,239
Skill pts: 0


● My job is to design and improve the Front wiper system, this is one modules of the Field of vision System.
Design the automotive components, such as: Motor Wiper, Front-Rear Wiper systems by using Catia software:
- Use Catia for 3D modeling, assembling, simulation and motion analysis.
- Use Catia, AutoCAD for 3D designing parts and generate detail 2D drawings.
- Product Stress Analysis of components after design by CAE of Catia software. Experiment and testing quality before applying into production process.
Design parts, equipment, jigs and create drawings for testing and production.
Prepare and manufacture technical drawings for mass production.

● My job is to design Automated Production Machinery and manufactures Automation Assembly Equipment and machines, custom automated machinery, assembly ....
- Use solidworks for 3D modeling, assembling, simulation and motion analysis.
- Use solidworks for 3D designing parts and generate detail 2D drawings.

● Using many types of design software such as SOLIDWORK, CATIA, 3DEXPERIENCE, for 3D modeling, designing, processing technical drawings, analyzing. Assembly and simulations.


  • Design Front wiper systems Yokohama R&D Center of Mitsuba Corporation · Full-time Jan 2008 – Present 17 yrs 2 mos Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan Involve in two projects to design Front wiper systems for Renault car.
    Training Product Stress Analysis, participating in actual experimental test.
    Use Catia software for 3D modeling, designing parts and manufacturing technical drawings.
  • Automated Production Machinery designs NOMURA UNISION · Full-time Feb 2017 – Feb 2019 2 yrs Inazawa, Aichi, Japan Automated Production Machinery designs and manufactures Automation Assembly Equipment and machines, custom automated machinery, assembly
    Analyze and calculate the operation process of equipment according to customer requirements
    - Use solidworks for 3D modeling, assembling, simulation and motion analysis.
    - Use solidworks for 3D designing parts and generate detail 2D drawings.


  • UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY HO OF CHI MINH CITY University , Mechanical Engineering-Manufacturing Engineering 2004 – 2008

Other experience

  • CAD / CAM / CAE-3DEXPIRIENCE technical support staff IN VIETNAM


Joined: November 29, 2020


Japanese Professional working proficiency

Vietnamese Native or bilingual proficiency

English Professional working proficiency


Hanoi, Ha Noi, Vietnam