Global rank:
38,005 / 95,460
Skill pts: 0
CAD Design Graphic Design Mobile App Development Web Design and Development iOS App Development


Mr. Sam Agarwal is the Co-founder and CEO of AppZoro Technologies Inc. AppZoro is an Atlanta-based web and app developers company. You can visit my website here: ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
I help business owners develop sound digital strategies that leverage both current and emerging technologies to increase revenues, streamline productivity, attract investors, and nurture customer relationships.
In this role, I learned the key elements to build a successful startup.


  • CEO AppZoro Technologies · Full-time Mar 2014 – Present 11 yrs Atlanta, GA, United States


Joined: January 8, 2021

Area of Expertise


English Elementary proficiency


Atlanta, GA, United States