Global rank:
13,036 / 94,844
Skill pts: 0


Root CAD provides CAD design services to architects, engineers and anyone else who needs drawings or 3D models created. Root CAD also provides consulting and training services as well. Go to ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ to learn more about Root CAD.

Root CAD was started by Kevin Root. Before starting Root CAD, Kevin had 9 years of experience in Civil/Structural CAD department of a multi-disciplined engineering firm in the Oil and Gas industry. He has done many things in that industry that range from: site plans, grading plans/sections, road design, hydrology/drainage, structural steel design, foundation design and concrete/masonry walls. He also has experience in architectural and landscape design.

If you choose to work with us you will get high quality work with a fast turn-around.


Age: 41

Joined: April 1, 2015