Global rank:
13,398 / 95,533
Skill pts: 0


Is your staff currently overwhelmed with duties? Has your Engineering department become your bottleneck? We can help. We have a team of two Solidworks Designers with decades of CAD and manufacturing background at your deposal. Please send us a quick email with job descriptions and requirements and we will get back to you ASAP. Here’s a few of the services we can offer. If you don’t see a task listed here please ask.

If Solidworks isn’t your preferred 3D design software we do have multiple conversion softwares available. I’m confident we can provide you with a file type/version you can work with.

- Create 3D Solidworks models and drawings.
- Design for Manufacturability reviews.
- Create 2D manufacturing drawings.
- Documentation for manufacturing.
- Manufacturing consulting.

We are based in the Midwest but have access to multiple conferencing and file sharing tools.


  • Graphics Systems Solidworks Certifications 2000 graduation
  • WCTC IT 1999 graduation


Age: 49

Joined: May 27, 2015

Area of Expertise


Muskego, WI, United States