Global rank:
42,908 / 94,988
Skill pts: 0


Passionate Design engineer with 2 years of experience in cad
designing software i can apply my creativity and designing skills to develop better designs with combination of engineering and science for the well fare of the society and future development in engineering to find better solutions for the most difficult engineering problems


  • CNC machine operator Temper Zone · Full-time Mar 2021 – Aug 2021 5 mos Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand Setup and Operate CNC Folder machine
    Analysing Engineering Drawing and folding the End plates and Channels
    Set up and calibrate accessories and equipment
    Inspect finished product to ensure it meets required specifications
  • Mechanical Design Engineer Jason tools · Full-time Sep 2016 – Jul 2018 1 yrs 10 mos Hosur, TN, India Create designs in line with company procedure, regulations and client standards
    Calculate factors like tolerance, dimensions, and thermal and
    structural analysis
    Performing computer simulations and experiments to virtually test and refine the designs using Ansys
    Planning and executing mechanical designs using CAD, CAM, and 3D CAD programs


  • Manukau institute of Technology Graduate Diploma, Mehanical Engineering , a 2019 – 2021 Design and Development of Nozzle to
    Create Oscillating Pressure Using Constant
    Input Pressure for Mechanical Ventilation
    System (08/2019 - 07/2020)
    Designed, Developed and Tested 3 types of Nozzles which can create variable oscillations inside a tube mechanically within the limit of Mechanical
    Ventilators Design and Development of Robotic Human
    Foot (01/2020 - 07/2020)
    A detailed study of human foot is reviewed and
    analysed with the degree of angle of movements which can be applied in designing the robotic human
    foot with the combination of graphene to move in
    accordance to neural signals 3 designs are made and
    the most suitable one is selected
  • ANNA UNIVEESITY MECHANICAL ENGINEER, Engineering, a 2012 – 2016 Activities and Societies: Badminton


Age: 30

Joined: July 31, 2021

Last seen: June 6, 2022

Connected Accounts


English Professional working proficiency

Tamil Native or bilingual proficiency


Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand