Global rank:
49,530 / 95,239
Skill pts: 0


- Designing products with SolidWorks, Autocad, Catia and Cad-Cam programs
-Creating and developing the Quality Management System suitable for the organization and activities of the company,
- Preparing, ensuring the preparation and publishing of the relevant documents on the issues deemed necessary by the quality system and distribution,
- To ensure that the quality policy is known and implemented at every level of the company,
- To supervise the quality system, to monitor quality developments and to make necessary revisions and distribution,
- Active role in the organization and follow-up of internal audit activities To take the necessary measures for the development and maintenance of the Quality Assurance system, to inform the management about them and to ensure their implementation,
- Working in coordination with the units to determine the necessary corrective / preventive actions and report them to the management, to follow up until the results are obtained,
- To perform the quality controls in the production process,
to apply quality procedures from raw material to the finished product,
- Laboratory Managing the process of preparing the requested samples,


  • Quality Management Representative METAK TESİSAT MALZEMELERİ İMALAT İTHALAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ · Full-time Dec 2021 – Present 3 yrs 3 mos Diyarbakır, Diyarbakır, Turkey - Designing products with SolidWorks, Autocad, Catia and Cad-Cam programs
    -Creating and developing the Quality Management System suitable for the organization and activities of the company,
    - Preparing, ensuring the preparation and publishing of the relevant documents on the issues deemed necessary by the quality system and distribution,
    - To ensure that the quality policy is known and implemented at every level of the company,
    - To supervise the quality system, to monitor quality developments and to make necessary revisions and distribution,
    - Active role in the organization and follow-up of internal audit activities To take the necessary measures for the development and maintenance of the Quality Assurance system, to inform the management about them and to ensure their implementation,
    - Working in coordination with the units to determine the necessary corrective / preventive actions and report them to the management, to follow up until the results are obtained,
    - To perform the quality controls in the production process,
    to apply quality procedures from raw material to the finished product,
    Laboratory Managing the process of preparing the requested samples,


  • Mersin University Lisance, AUTOMOTİVE ENGİNEERİNG AND DESİGN, Graduate 2015 – 2020 Activities and Societies: Basketball ve python Design, development and aesthetics of vehicles.
    My area of ​​expertise is the design of parts for electric vehicles and internal combustion engine vehicles.


Joined: May 6, 2022

Last seen: February 13, 2024


English Professional working proficiency


Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey