Hourly 3D Modeling & 3D Design Services

Need ongoing 3D modeling, 3D design, or CAD drafting services?
Hourly services are a great way to get ongoing help from pre-approved 3D modeling experts.

Trusted by
US Army Corps of Engineers

Hire a freelance 3D designer, 3D modeler or 3D artist on an hourly basis for ongoing work.

Cad Crowd’s hourly services work well for large ongoing projects or when a project has an open scope. Hourly services for pre-qualified 3D modelers and 3D designers are available from as little as a 10-hour time block. Contact us for more information about hourly services or to discuss your 3D modeling project options.

Remote team dashboard
Timesheets and reporting
Screenshots & Activities

How hourly 3D modeling & 3D design works

Summarize your project

1. Summarize your project

Let us know what software you’re using, the end use of the designs, deadlines and any other important details about your project.
Pre-qualified expert contractor

2. Pre-qualified expert contractor

We connect you with a pre-qualified expert based on the scope of your work, software required, and time commitment needed.
Getting started

3. Getting started

Simply purchase a 10-hour time block, and within hours you’ll be able to communicate with the freelancer and access our time-tracker.

Got a question? Get in touch

We're here to help. Send us an email or get a personalized quote.
Accuracy guarantee Accuracy guarantee