The basic concept for this bike was for an old school design with а clean and stylish look. That’s why I’ve used a hardtail frame and spoked wheels. The latter took me a lot of time to model, but I really like how they turned out in the end. The drivetrain is almost the same as the one used on Primero. I know that a knucklehead or especially a panhead engine would probably suit this kind of overall design much better, but I prefer the more reliable Evo engine. Besides, I don’t have the time and patience to model one of these. The geometry turned out very similar to the geometry of Honda Shadow 1100 Spirit, but the seat height is some 160 mm lower. The final model worked out almost the way I wanted it and I also like how virtually all parts are visible and respectively easy to maintain and replace. I used a lot of parts from the previous CAD bike, so the whole thing took me less than three weeks.