A critical step in the creation of a great 3D prototype is designing and rendering the product. In some cases, companies have an expert who is specifically employed to create the 3D designs of the company’s products. In other companies, there are no such experts on staff. It is not that these companies do not work with 3D: they do, but they engage project designers and experts from outside the company when necessary.
However, not everyone sees outsourcing as a good thing. Some people have a negative perception of outsourcing, and consequently formulate or perpetuate the myths that discredit it. All in all, it should be noted that outsourcing has a lot of benefits.
This article discusses some of the most common myths about outsourcing your company’s rendering project designers, highlighting what is true and what is false.
Outsourcing Means Poor Quality Designs
This is one notion that many people believe. If you do not have an in-house team that has an established consistency in designing, and you opt to use outside designers, you risk compromising the quality of your product designs. Many believe that the reason for the poor work is that the outsourced designer is not concerned about the quality consistency of the company in question. Furthermore, those who use this argument believe that external designers are only driven by money and aren’t invested in your company’s success. This implies that even if the design does not sell, they have nothing to lose.
RELATED: The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Product Design
However, this is a myth, and there is nothing true about it. At the very least, outsourcing gives you an excellent opportunity to walk far and wide looking for the best experts with a proven track record in designing. In addition, you are also able to compare different freelance product designers based on their past designs and companies they have designed and rendered for. This way, you will get the highest quality of design output.
Outsourcing Leads to Loss of Jobs
Another common belief is that outsourcing leads to a loss of jobs. The argument goes that the outsourced experts take over tasks that have been performed by the company’s in-house designers, thereby invalidating the existence and employment of the in-house 3D designers.
However, this is a myth that does not hold water.

When a firm outsources, it can get better designs that enhance the company’s sales. Consequently, there are increased profits, which are re-invested into the company. This extra revenue can also be used to enhance the firm’s infrastructure by buying better rendering equipment for the firm. Once these things happen, new jobs can be created to help manage that re-investment as well as to operate the new machines. The in-house designers also benefit by gaining some skills from the outsourced experts, making them more useful and difficult to fire.
Outsourcing Risks Sensitive Data
Some companies firmly believe that outsourcing 3D rendering and design projects puts the company’s sensitive information at risk. Well, it’s only natural for businesses to be protective of their confidential information. However, having the right relationship with your outsourced CAD designer eases this concern.
In addition, loss of privacy due to outsourcing is a misconception that should be discredited at all costs. When a company outsources designers, data security is enhanced rather than being compromised. This is because the security of your data will be your outsourcing provider’s responsibility. As a matter of fact, your in-house designers are more of a threat to a company’s data than outsourced providers, since in-house employees have full access to sensitive data.
In fact, getting designers from outside is a direct solution to data sensitivity and protection and not a risk in any way.
Outsourcing Only Aims to Minimize Costs
While cutting expenses may be an important factor in deciding to outsource, it is not the only reason, but one of the many factors a company considers.
In fact, in a time when competition is becoming increasingly stiff, what matters most is getting the highest quality that can compete favorably in the market, rather than primarily focusing on reducing costs. In fact, outsourcing could even be more costly than using in-house designers, as you are searching for the unique skills that your team does not possess.
Therefore, in most cases, the main reason for outsourcing is to acquire hard-to-find technical skills. For instance, a survey conducted by BDO USA in 2015 found that 23 percent of CFOs believe the greatest challenge to industry growth is the lack of skilled workers in the local economy. Other reasons that could make companies outsource include saving time and resources, increasing revenue, and delivering efficiency.
Outsourcing Project Designers Puts Trade Secrets at Risk
Some people believe that when you outsource project designers, you risk exposing all your business and trade secrets. Once the secrets are out, your competitors will know how you do your business and will find ways to beat you in the market.
However, when working with designers from outside the firm, you sign NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) or confidentiality agreements to protect trade secrets. Both of these documents bar the outsourced project designer from disclosing any of the firm’s trade secrets. If they go against the terms signed in the agreement, you can sue them in a court of law. You can also protect trade secrets using other measures such as advanced firewalls and encrypted data.
Outsourced Designers Deliver Unrealistic Designs
Some people believe that outsourced 3D project designers do not deliver realistic designs. They only come up with unrealistic designs that are meant to extort money from the company. They create designs that add no value to the firm since they are always in a hurry to take on another project.
However, this is another myth. Outsourced designers are professionals who understand the world of business. They know that you have invited them to create a design that will look like an actual product to help you attract customers for that particular item. Consequently, they always try to create designs that will leave your potential customers craving the product.
Furthermore, they use the most recent technologies that enable them to create realistic and sophisticated designs that look awesome to potential buyers.
Outsourcing Makes You Lose Control of the Process
It is often believed that when you outsource project designers, you gradually lose control of the design process, and eventually, you lose control of your business. However, this is a myth as it’s not possible to lose control of your business. To begin with, you’re the employer to the outsourced designers, and you’re still the person issuing all the instructions concerning the design. They will really be looking upon you to direct them on how the design will be completed. In fact, they will be eager to do good work so that you will call them back for further projects.
In addition, outsourcing is a way of reducing the workload of your company and directing more time to other things. The designers are professionals and know how to do their work, hence will deliver without the need for continuous guidance. If you want to monitor them, you can use services like Architectural CRM, which enables you to see the work progress right at your desk.
You Cannot Track the Progress of the Design
Some people believe you cannot track the progress of the design from the initial stages of development to the final stages. The argument is that the designer will not want the interference of you noticing a lot of issues with the ongoing project.
However, this is not true. When you hire an external team, you can keep in touch with them and track their progress easily. To start with, they need to present the project design to you at different stages to avoid mistakes that might require them to repeat the whole design. Secondly, they want to keep you informed so that you can provide any material input that might be required in the process. They always offer you a chance to give feedback every time you review their work.
In addition, you can follow the rendering process with your eyes using services like CGI CRM.
Language Barriers May Be an Issue with Foreign Outsourced Designers
It might sound very logical and reasonable to say that if you outsource a foreigner as your designer, you might not understand one another due to the issue of speaking different languages. However, this is not entirely true, especially today.
Today, English has become the language of international communication. Therefore, before any company gets in the international market, it has to ensure that its employees are conversant with the language. Companies across the globe are setting up infrastructure that supports better delivery and communication with other countries, hence language is no longer a barrier.
Furthermore, before signing any contracts, the two of you have to communicate in a language that you both understand. If you set up a communication process between your company and your outsourced teams, you won’t find communication to be a challenge anymore. There are many tools that you can leverage to manage communication effectively.
Outsourcing is Only for Large 3D Rendering Companies
Quite a high proportion of people believe that outsourcing is only reserved for large and established companies. They believe that outsourcing is very expensive and only companies with high profits can afford it.
However, outsourcing is meant for any company, whether new or established. Startups will increase their effectiveness and raise their market ratings when they outsource experts for quality designs. The cost of outsourcing depends on the rates of the experts. However, it is not so expensive that small companies cannot afford the rates. On the contrary, outsourcing 3d rendering services helps a company minimize costs, so it can be very beneficial to small companies.
Cheap Outsourced Designers Deliver Low-Quality Work
Some people believe that outsourced designers who charge low prices always deliver low-quality designs. But this is not true, since a designer could offer lower rates for many reasons. To start with, it could be because it is a way of handling competition in the market. It could also be because individuals are in the process of attracting new customers and are, for a time, rewarding their customers with subsidized prices.
Therefore, cheap pricing does not necessarily mean that the quality of the work will be compromised. It wouldn’t be surprising to find that those charging lower fees produce better designs than those whose fees are higher.
Outsourcing Designs Must Appeal to All Customers
It is normal for people to have high expectations of the designs rendered by outsourced experts. However, nothing, no matter how good it is, can please everyone. Any design will always have lovers and haters. And everyone will have their own reasons for loving or hating the design. Therefore, don’t hire an external designer thinking that the design will win the hearts of all customers. Furthermore, people are attracted to different features of a similar product, say color, size, packaging, and other minor details.
Outsourced Project Designers Embellish Their Design Samples
This is another myth that has been widely advanced against outsourcing concept design services. There are those who believe that designers have that one ideally great and attractive design that they present to every client to get themselves hired.
However, you don’t hire someone or a team based on just one or two samples. You must take time to assess the designer, including checking their previous clients and the work they have done. Reviews from their previous clients will also tell you if the designer has the qualities you need. Furthermore, you can also ask for as many samples of their previous designs as you want before you make a decision.
Outsourced Designers Take Ages to Deliver
On the contrary, outsourcing actually takes less time than in-house product designers. Outsource design teams are specialists and are well-equipped with the right technology to produce great product designs in a short time. With outsourced teams, the project gains more efficiency and greater time management because they focus solely on your project. Therefore, your product will get into the competitive market in less time.
Cad Crowd Can Connect You with the Best Freelance Product Designers
You have discovered that most of the negative things people believe about outsourcing drafting services are pure myths that have to be dispelled for the success of your company. Outsourcing can undoubtedly be very beneficial to firms in delivering efficiency, increasing revenue, and minimizing costs.
You get to choose the best designer and you get affordable rates that match your pocket. In addition, your in-house team has the opportunity to learn from the outsourced designers. On top of that, you save time and resources. In fact, due to the positive impact that outsourcing has on organizations, your company will only continue to grow and flourish in the future.
Don’t let your company be held back by these myths and miss the opportunity to gain a competitive edge over your competitors. Make a move today and try outsourcing, and you will reap the benefits. And most importantly, make sure you choose your outsourcing team wisely. Thankfully, Cad Crowd can connect you with top-tier freelancers who are pre-vetted and confidential. Check out how it works!