Propose milestones for fixed-rate job contracts

You can apply for a fixed-rate job contract with smaller milestones rather than a fixed-rate payment. Smaller milestones improve task management and communicate more precise steps to your client. Additionally, smaller milestones allow you to receive payments throughout the job’s duration rather than waiting for a larger payment upon completion.

Application milestones use smaller tasks in your application for specific fixed-rate job contracts. These milestones allow you to split the project’s payment into pre-established deliverables for completing a particular task.

Here is how to use milestones for new job applications and existing contracts:

  • Job application milestones: You can add milestones to your initial job application or edit an existing application to include milestones after you start an interview with a client (before a contract starts). The milestones help you clearly define work deliverables and expectations for fixed-rate job applications.
  • Existing contract milestones: After starting your contract, the client is responsible for creating and modifying upcoming milestones on fixed-rate contracts. You can propose new milestones or suggest changes, which are sent to the client for approval.

📡 Remember: Clients can only pay for a single milestone at once. Billing Security for fixed-rate jobs only applies to a fixed-rate job contract after the client funds the milestone and deposits the payment into the escrow account.

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