Create Better Packaging Designs For Cosmetic And Beauty Product Companies

product packaging design services

The past few years have seen the beauty and cosmetic industries experiencing substantial growth because of the growing demand from consumers. As different beauty trends are introduced and become more popular, the market is expected to grow bigger soon. A big part of this success is due to the different beauty preferences of different countries that pave the way to the plethora of cosmetics and beauty products across the globe. Unfortunately, while this growth benefits the consumers, it also means tougher competition for companies and firms. 

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As more brands are launched in the market, it makes it even harder to maintain your brand and set it apart from the rest. This is why it’s imperative to search for new and breakthrough ways that will make your beauty products appeal to your target audience and stand out from the large crowd. This is where packaging concept design firms come in handy. Developing an enticing packaging design for your cosmetics and beauty products is one of the best-kept marketing secrets that will highlight the uniqueness of your brand. 

RELATED: New product packaging design & why it’s important for product designers

With the right designs, you can also form a stronger relationship with your customers and at the same time, improve your brand’s reputation and market value. But the million-dollar question now is, what is the best packaging design for your cosmetic and beauty products? This article discusses the basics of cosmetic and beauty product design for companies and firms. 

Three layers of cosmetic and beauty product packaging 

Consumers today usually rely on an item’s product packaging to decide whether it’s a good buy or not. For this reason, cosmetic and beauty product companies from across the world take time to design their product line. The following are the three basic layers of beauty product and cosmetic packaging:

1. Outer packaging 

The outer packaging is often the container used for shipping orders to customers, which starts from the warehouse where products are manufactured to the shelves of local stores and retail locations. Aside from letting customers know what kind of product is inside, the primary purpose of the outer packaging is to safeguard the products during transit and prevent compromising their quality along the way. 

2. Inner packaging 

The inner packaging is the material housing the product to add an extra protective layer while serving as the display packaging on store shelves. The packaging designer can use different types of materials for this layer including corrugated or cardboard boxes, slip-lid boxes, sliding boxes, folding cartons, and sometimes, even pillow boxes. The inner packaging can also contain details regarding the product like usage directions, care instructions, and ingredients. 

3. Product packaging

The third layer is the packaging housing the product itself and retains its quality over time. Droppers, tubes, bottles, and jars are the most common examples of packaging for cosmetic and beauty products. These can be molded to custom shapes as well as to best suit other aspects of the design including product label fonts and packaging colors. 


Best packaging designs for companies and firms: cosmetic and beauty product design

Modern-day consumers often switch to different shopping habits depending on what appeals to their current needs the most. It’s important to understand and be familiar with these trends as well as how your company or firm can best keep up with the new perspectives. Here are some of the best packaging designs from new concept design and product development companies that best appeal to today’s modern consumers:

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1. Go bold with patterns

Your customers will be able to spot your products easily on the shelf and tell them apart from other similar products if you come up with a distinctive logo or pattern for your brand. This is a simple but often effective way to establish the reputation of your company with no need to use big statements just to capture the interest and attention of your target audience. 

2. Try connected packaging 

With connected packaging, you can give customers a whole new level of experience by giving them a way to interact with your product online. A special code like a QR code is printed within or on the packaging of the product in connected packaging applications. Consumers can then use their mobile devices to scan the code and activate it to receive exclusive content. It is a convenient way of getting your brand introduced to modern consumers where it has become a necessity to use smartphones, tablets, laptops, and the like. 

3. Keep it minimal 

Utilizing a product packaging design service for minimalistic designs can effortlessly make your cosmetic and beauty products look engaging and clean at first glance. This will also help you convey your message in a simple and easy-to-understand way. 

4. Switch to refillable products

There is a significant demand for refillable products now that more consumers are searching for eco-friendly options for their personal care regimen. Aside from having refill pouches for your product, you can also join this trend by setting up refill stations while cutting down the amount of waste your company produces. 

5. Stick with a structured layout

A structured product design that keeps function, coherence, and innovation in mind can create a pleasant and unforgettable user experience. Structural packaging, unlike commoditized design, tends to be more effective because its goal is to set your product apart from the rest on the store shelves. It also enhances your brand as well as its values while giving customers an unboxing experience they won’t forget. 

6. Use sustainable materials 

More and more consumers today have developed consciousness about the products they buy and use and the waste that comes with them. Using eco-friendly materials for your cosmetic and beauty product design is one of the best ways to appeal to such consumers.

7. Settle for travel-friendly sizes

Travel-friendly sizes are becoming more popular for cosmetic packaging design companies now that most beauty products have become indispensable. This is why it’s important to use packaging designs that will make your products easy to carry and light enough for people who are always on the go. 

8. Opt for a uniform color palette

Consumers will only feel overwhelmed if you use a lot of colors, urging them to buy something else from another brand. The best way to catch the attention of your customers is to use a color palette that is easy and attractive to the eyes at the same time. 


RELATED: Functional and creative packaging designs for new and existing products for companies 

9. Pick unique custom fonts 

Another effective way to grab your target market’s attention is to choose a visually intriguing packaging font. It is also a creative way of conveying the message of your brand to your consumers and helping them differentiate your products from the rest of its kind. 

Important considerations for cosmetic and beauty product packaging design

It’s no easy and simple process to create an effective packaging design for your cosmetic and beauty products. You have to consider several important factors when choosing a design that will best represent your brand and company in the market. Below are some of the things to take note of when hiring a product designer for the product design process:


Your customers will find it easier to set your product apart from the rest if you stick with a consistent packaging design for your products. This can also strengthen the identity of your brand and recognition of your products in the market. 

State claims and guidelines

There may be different regulations for product packaging depending on your city, state, or country that you have to adhere to. Always do your research before you finalize your product design to prevent any legal issues.

Labeling and packaging options 

Be careful when considering the packaging materials that will work best for the different kinds of cosmetics and beauty products you make. Their respective labels should convey your products. 

Flexible packaging

Flexible packaging is the best way for cosmetic products that could be squeezed without causing any damage to the container. 

Shipping methods 

Although your product packaging must capture your target audience and stand out from your competition, you also need to design it with shipping in mind. Be careful when choosing packaging materials that can protect your product and its quality even during transit. 


One of the best ways to capture the attention of prospective customers is to use unique and bold designs that will set you apart from your competitors. It’s important to use fonts readable enough for anyone to clearly understand the details presented to them. 

The personality of your brand 

Matching the packaging of your product with the distinct personality of your brand is among the best ways for your customers to distinguish your items from the rest and establish the market value of your brand. 

Your budget

Manufacturing your packaging isn’t cheap and this is why you should avoid rushing when finalizing the designs. Aside from searching for substitute materials, you can also manufacture your packaging in bulk. Doing so will help you save more money in the long run. 

Your target customers

Since the packaging of your product is intended to appeal to your target customers, make sure that you always keep them in mind in every decision you make. This way, you will be able to track trends that appeal to them the most as you convey the message of your brand. 


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How Cad Crowd can help

Your cosmetic and beauty product packaging is the first thing that your customers see. Make sure you contact Cad Crowd to find professionals who can help you create the best packaging designs that will grab people’s attention and resonate with their unique needs. Create a design your customers will adore with a free quote today!