You’re about to make a presentation about a new product, something major like a revolutionary pick-up truck soon to be assembled. Your R&D team has worked on the product day and night over the last few months. There mustn’t be any wrinkles or faux pas as you unveil the product to the world. You feel confident that your presentation will go without a hitch and the trendsetting car will be the new media darling.
You feel so good about the whole scene that you ask early in your spiel, in front of a televised audience, if a fellow presenter would hurl a blunt object at the breakproof glass because that’s one of the outstanding features of this new truck. He obliges and throws a metal ball pretty hard.
The unmentionable happens and you swallow hard as you stare at the shattered glass. You force yourself to keep your composure and ask the guy with the strong throwing arm to throw the same ball at the other unbroken window. Surely it was a freak throw. Smash.
As you’re aware, this actually happened. Somebody slipped up in the process of making the breakproof glass for Tesla. Perhaps if there had been a bit more attention at some level of the glass production—the research, the development, the manufacturing, the testing—this unfortunate and embarrassing moment may never have happened.
Cad Crowd Focuses on Design Quality and Functionality
The possibility of faulty products is something Cad Crowd is focused on preventing during the entire process of any new or re-invented product becoming a reality. This commitment is so fundamental to Cad Crowd that they guarantee a product will do what it’s supposed to do.
Guarantees are not light matters, and that’s why Cad Crowd has a stringent set of requirements that must be achieved before any product the company has been involved with is released back to the client. Not only is a faulty product an instant way of losing face, but the remedial process is also an additional costly expense.
Cad Crowd is an alternative method of product design from conventional industrial design and invention companies. The CAD (computer-assisted design) outsourcing company has a full list of advantages over other such companies with its guarantee being the crowning glory.
Cad Crowd Treats All Clients Equally
Regardless of the size of a project, Cad Crowd has specialized individuals in a vast range of skills in a database that spans the globe. From small projects to international ones, all clients are treated with equal respect and importance. The end result is not having to face maladroitness at the conclusion of an idea, unlike the unfortunate pickup truck manufacturer.
As a Cad Crowd client, you only have to look forward to a situation that performs as required and ensure any hiccups have long been solved.

A client used Cad Crowd to develop a high-speed power transmission shaft for an electric vehicle. One of their automotive design engineers, Shantanu Upadhyay from the Netherlands, developed a system that received the stamp of approval. It’s not a surprise considering Shantanu’s Master of Science in Automotive Engineering from a British University and considerable experience in design and prototyping.
Jan Sunaryanto flexed his mechanical engineering skill with this rear suspension assembly. He’s well suited to provide automotive goods with a specialization in mechanical design and simulation and he takes his job very seriously. “Leaving a project hanging, incomplete, is the one thing I will never do. When we come to an agreement about the project, I pledge to never disclose the project under any circumstance,” Jan said.
On the subject of confidentiality, Cad Crowd is adamant about its secrecy rules. Having the trust of inventors, innovators, and developers is mandatory and clients know the value Cad Crowd places on their projects by many being repeat customers.
Being able to solidly show respected trademarks such as Tupperware, Tiffany & Co., Yale University School of Medicine, and others as endorsements on their webpage speaks volumes. Slick like butter down a hot racetrack would aptly describe this development by India’s Krithick Naik who has the classification of being an active designer in the field of motorsports and hybrid vehicle technology.
Called the Infernus Sabre, Krithrick says it’s the sleekest hybrid racecar he’s made to date and aerodynamic tests using CFD Analysis software were outstanding.

But it’s not just sleek cars that attract clients to Cad Crowd; serious machinery like this scaled replica of an M551 Sheridan tank was the most detailed model that the knowledgeable customer admitted he had ever seen.
Credit to 3D modeler Anders Thostesen from Denmark who has an international following of those needing replica work. Full-scale modeling is also provided as shown in this electric vehicle designed for two people. Industrial car designer Mehmet Ali Yildirim from Turkey says not only would it be a great car for the urban environment, but also a fabulous electric racecar—you know this sport is coming soon.

Speed isn’t only on the ground for Cad Crowd designers, as shown by this plan for a military supersonic aircraft that reaches over 3100 mph (5000 kph). Its mechanical engineer developer, Rocky17 from Indonesia, calls the SkyRim the king of the sky and at that speed possibly even the laser of the sky. Its aggressive blade design in the front helps provide this rocketing attribute.
Getting back to the start of this item about glass, Quentin Margeot who is a French designer was tasked with coming up with an easy to open alternative for boat windows. The idea is coming to fruition with a boat manufacturer implementing the design on their craft. Not sure if the glass is unbreakable, but it would have to be tough for a marine application.
But this application of glass would definitely have to be unbreakable. The deep-sea diving helmet is the work of Brazilian 3D artist Beto Fernandes. Hey Beto, there may be a pickup truck manufacturer looking for a new glass designer.
Cad Crowd’s Expert Freelancers Can Help You Avoid Production Errors
Next time, hopefully, the truck company will contact Cad Crowd for a product that does what it says it’ll do.
Even if not, you should definitely connect with us for a no-fee, no-obligation, confidential initial meeting and get your project started by professionals with a guaranteed end result. Get a free quote today.
Nice Post!
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