3D rendering has become popular because it allows clients to visualize products in a modern, cost-effective way. 2D models cannot compete with 3D models in providing quality immersive experiences to viewers.
Well-done 3D renderings not only accurately represent every critical aspect of a product, but can provide an immersive experience for the viewer at the same time as showing the viewer the heart and soul of the object being represented.
Companies using 3D visualization present their customers with a new way to engage with the 3D rendered product. Customers who are considering ordering items online or are actively looking to buy items online appreciate that they can visualize the things they are viewing.
Companies must stay on top of 3D visualization trends to compete in today’s market.
3D rendering is significant for businesses that are looking to please their customers. However, 3D renderings also play a huge role in the industrial world.
Industrial 3D rendering services are especially popular in prototyping and making assembly models for new products. Designers can catch design flaws without actually producing physical copies of the project they are working on and also use the same 3D renderings for marketing purposes.
The role that 3D rendering is playing in the modern world cannot be underestimated. Product design professionals and industrial design firms offer a variety of services in many different areas to meet the increased demand for 3D visualizations.
This article will first examine what exactly 3D rendering is, how it works, and the three types of 3D rendering, before delving deeper into the different kinds of 3D rendering that professional 3D design companies offer.
How Is 3D Rendering Different from 3D Modeling?

3D modeling and 3D rendering can be thought of as different stages in 3D visualization.
3D modeling is the process of creating a 3D model through different mathematical processes, and 3D rendering is the process of making a realistic or even photorealistic 2D lifelike image or 3D interactive model through the use of 3D models.
This means that 3D rendering is not simply the creation of a realistic 2D image. First, a CAD designer must spend a significant amount of time creating a 3D model before turning it into a 3D rendering.
How Are 3D Renders Created?
3D rendering is a time-consuming process that takes a great deal of training and skill to do well. When working with a professional 3D rendering design company, a client’s project will go through four main steps.
These steps ensure that the client’s idea becomes a fully functional 3D rendering that accurately represents their ideas and goals for the project.
1. Concept Phase
In the concept phase, a client provides information to the 3D design service on what the desired result of their project is. The 3D designer gets as much visual information as possible from the client on what they expect their final project to look like and how they would like it to be presented.
It is important at this stage that the client and the artist have an excellent understanding of what the client’s vision for their final project is. Once the 3D designer has enough information, they start on a 3D model.
2. 3D Modeling Phase
The 3D modeling freelancer creates a 3D model for the client’s project. This model is somewhat of a base, with accurate shapes, shadows, and light reflections, but does not yet have the specific details that will make the project come alive for the client.
3. 3D Rendering Phase
During the 3D rendering phase, the artist works to infuse the project with all the details that the client has requested. Colors, shadows, lighting, and textures are added to the 3D model.
At this stage, the designer works hard to create a photorealistic rendering, if that is what the client has requested. The project is being readied for being turned into a realistic 2D design or more interactive 3D animation or visualization tool.
4. The Finished Product Is Delivered to the Client
At this point, the artist is finished doing intensive 3D rendering work and delivers the project to the client. Any tweaks that the client requests to be made are done, and the project is completed when the client is pleased.
Why Use 3D Rendering Rather Than 3D Modeling?

One question clients may have is why they should use 3D rendering for their projects rather than simply sticking with 3D modeling. After all, simply choosing to have a 3D model created rather than a full 3D rendering cuts out the 3D rendering stage of the project’s creation. However, there are many compelling reasons to request a 3D rendering.
3D rendering is a better option than 3D modeling for many types of projects. 3D models are not detailed like 3D renders are. The project at the 3D modeling stage is a base and does not necessarily accurately represent the colors, textures, or other features of the project.
Furthermore, 3D models are meant to be viewed using 3D modeling software. Though they can be made into 2D assembly models for product production, they are not meant to be viewed as 2D pictures that represent an object in the same way that 3D renders are.
3D models are the “behind the scenes” models, meant for professionals who are working extensively to create a project. 3D modeling is an excellent choice for assisting with the production of physical projects, and in cases where the 3D model will not be scrutinized by the public.
In contrast, 3D rendering works best for models that will be in the public eye and projects that will be shown to clients who do not understand the process of 3D modeling. 3D rendering can easily be made to look photorealistic, which is a huge benefit for those who have no background in 3D visualization.
3D renders engage their audience with their colors, textures, and features in ways that a basic 3D model cannot, and they encourage their audiences to explore every detail of the 3D render in order to know the product better.
For example, in architecture, clients enjoy seeing a well-done 3D rendering of a potential home so that they can provide input on any changes that need to be done before pouring money into the project. Quality 3D architectural renderings steal the spotlight, allowing their viewers to immerse themselves in the viewing experience, and inviting them to imagine themselves within the space.
These renderings practically sell themselves as they provide the details that answer the questions that a viewer might have and show them that this project will live up to their expectations.
Going the extra mile by hiring a product design professional or an industrial firm to create high quality photorealistic 3D renderings ensures that customers are given the valuable information they need about a product, leading to greater customer engagement and more product sales.
Types of 3D Rendering

There are three main categories that all 3D rendering projects fall under: reflection and shading models, offline pre-rendering, and real-time rendering work.
However, 3D product design professionals can not only work within each category but also build a project that incorporates elements of other categories in order to better engage the intended audience. It is important to understand the characteristics of each category, as one is often more suitable than the others for certain 3D visualization projects.
1. Reflection and Shading Models
Reflection and shading models use 3D rendering to describe the surface of a 2D image. They provide a 3D visualization experience by using complicated algorithms that work to calculate how light bounces off of a 3D object or how it falls on the surface of the object. A designer might use textures in order to give the 3D model more depth and to provide more places for the light to “fall” on the object.
Once a reflection and shading model is complete, the shaded model is flattened to become a two-dimensional object that can be displayed on a flat computer screen. Designers use a series of complex calculations to ensure that the object retains its dimensions and also is an appropriate size in relation to other objects around it.
2. Offline Pre-Rendering
Offline pre-rendered projects are designed to lead a viewer through a 3D rendering. They show the viewer the object and its features. Offline pre-renderings allow for more complexity than reflection and shading models, and the results can be breathtaking.
They are extremely useful in situations where a client wants to know the details of an item, but does not need the flexibility to manipulate the view or zoom in on any part of the 3D rendering. Offline pre-renderings are especially useful in presenting architectural designs in a less interactive way. Offline pre-renderings can be a cost-effective way to engage clients in a new design.
3. Real-Time Rendering
Real-time renderings are faster than offline pre-renderings and respond to the viewer. They allow individuals to become directly immersed in the 3D rendering.
These kinds of 3D renderings are more like a video game; someone can pick up a controller and explore different parts of the animation. Real-time renderings are highly responsive and show 3D imagery as it would appear in real life.
They are especially useful in cases where the precision of measurements and the “feel” of the finished project is of the utmost importance. For example, a client who has requested an architectural design to be made for their dream home could do a virtual walkthrough using real-time rendering. This would allow them to explore every single part of the future home in order to get a feel for what it would be like and in order to make notes on any errors or issues that they would like corrected.
Real-time rendering is life-like, and is sure to give clients a sense of exactly what the outcome of their future architectural plan will be. Real-time rendering is an excellent way to represent complex items, and more and more architectural firms are beginning to use it as it is immensely pleasing and engaging to clients.
All three of these 3D rendering techniques can be used to increase client engagement in the products offered by your company. Product design professionals know that different projects require different types of rendering, and can recommend the best type of rendering for a certain project.
Savvy designers know when to use each kind of technique and how to combine them appropriately in order to immerse customers in a high-quality 3D rendering that is appropriate for the project, and to allow customers to visualize the outcome much better than they would by looking at 2D images or non-rendered 3D models.
Why Use 3D Rendering in Customer-Facing Marketing?

3D visualization is about engaging customers and ensuring that they find what they want easily and can visualize the products that they are interested in ordering. Freelance 3D product renderers make the client’s life simpler and help them quickly decide what product they will buy through providing details about the product.
Excellent 3D rendering reduces return rates and leads to higher customer satisfaction. Customers often return a product because it is not how it appeared on its listing. Customers are frustrated that the item they thought was perfect for their needs had turned out to be different from what they expected, and the company loses profit as it needs to accommodate returns.
Returns can be such a problem that companies sometimes have to hire more staff to deal with returned products and need to reserve or create space in their warehouses to manage them. Returned products also often cannot be put back on the shelf, which results in lost profits, as items are often auctioned off at return auctions at a steep discount. Returns always result in lost profit.
Great 3D computer-generated imagery ensures that customers know exactly what they are purchasing. They can see what they are considering up close and in detail, and can rest assured that the characteristics of the item match exactly with what they are looking for.
Great CG models show the item on both the outside and the inside so that a customer who does not take the time to read the text detailing the item will not accidentally order something that does not suit his or her needs.
Even for items like furniture, showing the inside is important. Cutaway models for furniture and mattresses ensure that a customer knows exactly what kind of material is inside the piece, knows its quality, and has an idea of if it will be comfortable. For higher cost items like furniture and mattresses, reducing returns and ensuring happy customers is of utmost importance.
3D rendering design firms help businesses engage customers and lower return rates by offering a variety of services. Below, I explore four areas in which product design professionals can help their clients through the use of 3D rendering:
- 3D rendering for marketing consumer goods
- 3D CAD rendering for furniture
- Architectural uses of photorealistic 3D rendering and 3D interior design services
- 3D rendering services to support product design
3D Rendering for Marketing Consumer Goods
1. Using Product Rendering to Create White Background Computer Generated Shots

3D product rendering is often used for marketing and promotional material. It helps companies to avoid the costly photoshoots and photography services that using white background photography incurs. 3D photorealistic images look clean and professional without the cost and hassle of hiring a photography team to take and touch up images.
As well, photorealistic rendering is useful in that one image is created, and filters can be applied to change its colors or textures. White background 3D product rendering is most useful in online settings, where customers expect to see white background representations of the products they are interested in, andalso expect to be able to change the color of the product and to see a lifelike representation of the product they have chosen.
For example, a company may wish to sell a set of kitchen knives and a matching knife block on Amazon. Since white background shots are required to list products on Amazon, the company needs to represent their product appropriately.
If this is a completely new product they are adding to their inventory and they do not already have photos or representations of the object, an excellent and cost-effective option would be to hire a 3D CAD designer to create a photorealistic 3D rendering of the knives and knife block.
This would cost less than hiring a whole photography team to photograph and edit pictures of the knife block set, while also ensuring that the company has a representation of the product that looks professional, clean, and also markets their product effectively.
2. Using Product Rendering to Create Stunning Lifestyle Shots

Lifestyle shots are another area where 3D photorealistic rendering is extremely handy for reducing costs and creating exceptional material. Clients expect to see breathtaking lifestyle shots in magazines and in any promotional material on which their eyes may linger.
These lifestyle shots help the viewer to imagine an object in their own life and work effectively as marketing tools as printed brochures where an advertisement is meant to catch the viewer’s eyes and keep them on the products.
Since lifestyle shots are intended to catch and hold the viewer’s eyes, they are often intricate and complicated, with many different elements. In fact, many lifestyle shots include a variety of different products, which encourage a viewer to imagine these items in their home or workspaces.
The issue is that lifestyle shots are extremely expensive to produce because of the number of items that must be included, the space they require to be shot in, and the cost of the photography and editing teams.
For example, a company may want a lifestyle shot of a gorgeous granite dining table set with expensive dishes in a room that has a hardwood floor. They may need the shot to show ornate light fixtures, but also to be illuminated in other ways to best show off the intricate items in the room.
In addition, the company may desire a breathtaking view out of a window. In order to make this visually stunning, those involved in creating a lifestyle shot like this would need to find a location to take the shot, and move the items they need into that location.
They would need to hire a lighting technician to ensure that the lighting was perfect, and the photographer would need time to set up and shoot the picture. While all this is not impossible, a photorealistic 3D rendering of this same lifestyle shot can be done much more easily and in a much more cost-effective way. The designer can make exactly what the company wants, and can tweak their 3D rendering if need be.
Using a reputable 3D design company cuts down not only on the cost of the lighting, photographer, location rental, and the items themselves, but on the time and energy that would need to be taken to find a location to shoot the perfect photo and to coordinate the team so that the photos could be taken.
The company could instead get the breathtaking lifestyle shot featuring the granite dining table, expensive dishes, hardwood floor, and ornate light fixtures simply by finding the right 3D visualization specialist to take on the project.
3. Product Rendering to Place Consumer Objects in CG Lifestyle Shots

Computer-generated lifestyle shots are popular because they can be made to look so realistic that a viewer cannot tell them from an actual photo. They can be used as backdrops that feature other photorealistic items without even giving a telltale sign that they are not actual photos.
Photorealistic 3D renderings can easily be worked into a variety of settings to enable customers to visualize a product in the different spaces they might frequent, like their home or office. The same knife block that was rendered with a white background to fill Amazon’s product listing requirements can be added to a pre-made lifestyle shot of a kitchen.
When marketing home decor, it is popular to show a variety of lifestyle shots that feature the same object in many different situations or locations.
Computer-generated lifestyle shots can serve as the ideal background in which to place an ornate vase, and using these 3D renderings, a company can easily produce the representations of the vase in a CG living room, a CG bedroom, or a CG office scenario, which gives the viewer a variety of opportunities to envision the object in their own life.
The vase in these lifestyle shots could even be different colors in each image, ensuring that a customer is able to visualize not only a vase they like, but the best vase for their space. Using photorealistic computer-generated imaging can cut the costs of producing high-quality and engaging imagery that will delight and engage the intended audience.
4. 360 Viewing Experiences

Customers generally would like to know as much information about a product as possible before making the decision to buy it. Giving customers a 360-viewing experience for a consumer product ensures customer satisfaction, as a customer is able to see the product from a variety of angles and will be able to understand better if it will live up to their expectations.
3D product rendering specialists can create 360 viewing experiences that give customers the information they need to choose their product, since seeing the product from a handful of angles does not always give the customer information about whether the product will work for them, especially if it has many features.
For example, a 360-viewing experience for a backpack is essential, since it gives the customer a clear idea of what pockets are located where on the backpack, how the backpack might fit the customer’s back, and where certain straps are located.
It also gives a better idea of the shape of the backpack, the accessibility of the pockets, and the other features that the backpack may have that might be less obvious or hidden in a simple white background CG rendering.
It also allows a customer to see what detailing has been done on certain areas of the backpack, where logos are placed, and the colors of certain parts of the backpack. A customer who knows exactly how the product will be from engaging in a 360 visualization on the product website is much less likely to return the product because they did not like it or it did not meet their needs.
5. Augmented Reality

Augmented reality enables users to superimpose computer-generated objects onto their own, real-life settings. Pokemon Go is a great example of augmented reality. In this popular game, people look through their phone cameras and capture Pokemon characters which appear within the frame. This augmented reality game has been immensely popular.
3D visualization designers are able to create similar augmented reality experiences to help sell consumer products. Think Pokemon Go, but with items that a customer is interested in potentially adding to their own home.
Augmented reality gives the consumer the possibility of interacting with an object or item in a way that is not possible through the use of only photos, white background CG images, or lifestyle shots. It provides an opportunity for a potential customer to actually “see” what an item will be like in their home.
For example, for items that come in a variety of shapes and sizes, augmented reality gives customers a way to visualize the true size of the product, and how it will fit a certain space within their home.
For example, an ornate lamp can be put into an augmented reality setting so that the customer can visually compare it to other items in the room, and get an idea of if it fits the space in the way they want, if it is too tall, too small, or if it is just right.
Augmented reality is especially important in the case of items where a few centimeters can make a huge difference, or where personal preference is paramount.
For example, people are becoming more and more interested in buying glasses online since they can find fashionable frames that fit them for a fraction of the cost they would pay in a brick-and-mortar store. Augmented reality on glasses websites can allow customers to virtually try on their frames before they buy them so they know that they are buying something that will likely fit their face.
Customers can point their phone cameras at their face or use their computer’s webcam, and a 3D rendering of the frames they have chosen will appear on their face so that they can get an idea of if they like the frames before they buy them.
In fact, “trying on” glasses frames is so important to customers that they often will seek out only sites that offer this, and stay away from sites that sell glasses only using 3D models and measurements. Since augmented reality gives customers a chance to “try out” different items before they make the commitment to buy them, it can lead to higher purchase rates, lower return rates, and higher customer satisfaction.
6. 3D Animations

3D computer-generated animations are another excellent way that industrial 3D rendering companies can help. It is not uncommon for companies to produce products that look great, but are difficult for customers to understand how to use, or are too complex for customers to easily envision how they might operate the product.
3D design specialists can create 3D animations to help introduce clients to complex products. With some products, providing stationary 3D renderings is simply not enough. A customer still may not know which parts of the product move, or even how the parts of a product move.
3D animations provide a way to simulate a hands-on experience with a product, and can show a confused customer how to use the products in mere seconds. A 3D animation avoids the cost and hassle of hiring a video team to video the product’s operation, while quickly educating viewers on how the product functions.
A marketer has a great amount of flexibility with how they use 3D animations to represent their products. They can request that their 3D architectural rendering service use a variety of backgrounds or a white background, apply filters to change the texture or color of the object, and zoom in and out on different parts of the item to show different features and allow the customer to better see how the product moves and works. This makes 3D animation an exciting tool for those who are marketing more complicated products to an online audience.
An excellent example of one place where 3D animations could be used is when marketing a laptop that flips into a tablet. A non-animated image, even with arrows, simply will not always be able to show customers how this laptop can be made into a tablet, or how it can be changed from tablet to laptop again, and may be incomprehensible to viewers, deterring them from buying the laptop.
A 3D animation of the way that the laptop works engages customers and encourages them to visualize the laptop working for them. It also allows customers to understand more about the product before buying it, and gives them the confidence to use their laptop without fear of breaking it when they do finally bring it home.
Another example is of a faucet that has been designed to be unique in order to fit the interior design of a modern home. Over the internet, a customer may not be able to get a sense of how to turn the faucet on, or understand the movements of the different pieces. If the faucet looks confusing, a customer is less likely to buy it.
A 3D animation can show the way that the pieces of the faucet move, and show the water pouring out when the taps are open, giving an online viewer an experience that ensures them that the faucet will work in the way that is desired, and that the movement of all the pieces works for the customer. It also encourages the customer to imagine the way that this faucet could fit into the design scheme of their modern home.
3D CAD Rendering for Furniture

3D rendering specialists find another niche within furniture design. Their services are especially useful in creating photorealistic marketing renderings, customized furniture designs, and solid industrial and fabrication models.
1. Photorealistic Marketing Renderings
Furniture catalogs are an area where product design professionals can help clients to create photorealistic renderings that can be used in catalogs and for marketing purposes.
3D renderings of furniture pieces are a simple and cost-effective way to show pieces that may not have ever even been produced to potential customers. Since furniture is expensive to produce and bulky to ship—companies want to keep prices down rather than stock a warehouse room with every model.
Furniture catalogs are the solution to this problem. One CG model can be made, and using online catalogs, customers can view the different colors and textures of each item. Colors and textures can be easily changed on these 3D renderings, ensuring that customers can see every color in which the item is available.
3D furniture renderings can even be used in marketing materials that appear on the internet or in other print places without the hassle and cost of hiring a photography team. Since they are easily customizable by color, these images can even be used in advertisements that appear regularly within a browser window, targeting customers with the items they are most drawn towards.
2. Customized Furniture Designs
Furniture is something that some customers want to be highly personalized, and 3D product design specialists can help with this. Just as people want homes that are personalized to their own unique needs and stylistic desires, people want furniture that meets their needs and also represents themselves or is unique in some way.
Someone may also need a piece that fits a unique space in their home, and cannot be found pre-made simply because of the measurements of their home. Hence, many people are interested in customized furniture designs.
When planning a custom-designed piece, a designer works with a client to establish the measurements of the room to ensure that the custom piece they are working on will fit the space. The client provides details on what attributes they would like the piece to have, and gives further details on the style of frame and upholstery the piece may have, if the piece will be upholstered.
The designer then creates a 3D rendering that can be easily transformed into the plans for the customized piece that the client desires, and tweaks it if necessary to meet the client’s expectations. A well-done custom-designed furniture piece is sure to fit the space it is designed for and to please the client.
3. Industrial and Fabrication Models
3D rendering artists working in an industrial setting work with a design team or with their clients to design 3D rendered models of pieces that will work for a variety of different homes, or exactly fit the space in which they will be placed. On an industrial scale, designers must make furniture models that will appeal to groups within the general population.
3D renders of these models give the design team an idea of the aesthetics of a project design, and if it is something that will sell once it is finalized. A 3D rendering of a proposed item also allows the design team to catch issues that need to be resolved before large-scale production of the item can take place.
A 3D designer can also create models for companies that are interested in investing in a large number of furniture pieces that exactly fit the physical space they are in or the aesthetic requirements of a company.
For example, many commercial locations or universities have a need for a large number of pieces of furniture that not only fit a specific space, but are unique, say something about the location and those who work there, and are visually appealing.
A professional 3D consumer product designer keeps both style and measurements in mind, ensuring that the finished product design will not only physically fit the space, but also work with the client’s desired aesthetic.
The designer communicates with the client and shows the client the model so that the client is able to request any necessary tweaks to make the items fit well into the location. Then, the 3D rendering can be transformed into an assembly model so that the items can be mass-produced.
Architectural Uses of Photorealistic 3D Rendering and 3D Interior Design Services

3D visualization is extremely popular in the architectural world. Some common forms of architectural 3D visualization are exterior rendering services, 3D interior visualization, CG panoramas, 3D animation, virtual tours, and walkthroughs and flythroughs.
The services offered by 3D architectural design specialists are exciting for those who are interested in marketing architectural designs, since a well-done 3D rendering can easily be used in virtual situations to pitch an architectural design to a client who is anywhere in the world.
There are many different uses of 3D rendering in the architectural world. Most tend to be photorealistic, and are designed to give their viewers an excellent idea of how the finished project will look, the aesthetic feel of the project, and how it will interact with the environment around it.
In the following sections, I will list the most popular kinds of architectural 3D visualization, and explain how and when each one is used.
3D Exterior Rendering
3D exterior rendering is incredibly popular. It allows those who have no experience at all with reading 2D drawings to understand what a building will look like when it is completed.
Companies often post a 3D exterior rendering outside a public building as it is being built, because it allows the public to visualize the building and provides simple information about the structure’s features. 3D exterior renderings help people understand what the building will be like and to anticipate and accept the new building and its uses in their community.
3D exterior renderings bring new projects to life. A 3D exterior can be shown from a variety of angles and views, and the designer can take into account a variety of different lighting conditions and moods. A model can display an energetic full daylight view, or a cozy sunset view of the same building.
Some clients even opt for a more surreal look with something like a purple sky; the 3D rendering expert is able to change the model according to the client’s requests. This gives the customer an idea of how their project will look at all times of day and how it will fit into the landscape. It also helps them to have control over the visualization of their project, and allows them to make tweaks to their plan based on their perceptions of the 3D rendering.
3D rendering professionals can be especially useful for those who are interested in building a building, but need to do fundraising in order to finance the project. In a case like this, a 3D exterior rendering can help the community to visualize the building and encourage them to give money since they know what the building will look like and how it will be beneficial to their community.
3D Interior Visualization

Exterior rendering helps customers visualize the outside of a building, but 3D interior visualization gives customers a clear idea of how the inside of the building is laid out, and the highlights of each space within the building.
A 3D product design professional can take 2D drawings and floor plans, and create a 3D model of the inside of a building. Those who are spending money on creating their own home plan and building their own home want to know exactly how the interior of their house will turn out, and 3D interior visualization gives customers a clear picture of how the inside of their home will be.
Rooms can be modeled and filled with furniture and other home items using photorealistic rendering, allowing a viewer to envision his or her future house as a home, rather than an empty space.
After seeing a 3D model of the interior of their future home, a customer can then describe what tweaks he or she wants made to the floor plan. They can note what elements need to be changed and which elements are exactly how they intended. This helps customers and designers to avoid disappointments caused by a plan not living up to expectations.
Flythroughs and Walkthroughs
Similar to virtual tours, 3D virtual flythroughs and walkthroughs are animations which take the viewer through a property as if they were walking through on a tour. Flythroughs usually include the exterior of the property as well as the interior.
Flythroughs and walkthroughs are especially useful for architectural projects that are in their design stages. Clients can do a flythrough or walkthrough and get a feel for the interior of the property and what might or might not work for them before giving feedback to the architect.
Viewers get an idea of what the property will feel like in a different way than a 2D floor plan gives them. For example, for a client reading a 2D floor plan, it might be difficult to see if the kitchen dining space is large enough because it is difficult to visualize from a 2D drawing.
A 3D rendered walkthrough will include that kitchen dining space and can include a dining table so that the client can see if the dining space will actually be too small, and can request appropriate changes if it does not suit his or her needs.
3D Animations

When a 3D architectural design specialist creates a 3D animation, they essentially create a kind of movie about the architectural project that is being planned. Using different angles and photorealistic “shots,” a 3D design professional can introduce the viewer to key highlights of the proposed property.
The viewer is able to immerse themselves in the architectural plan and get an idea of the depth and features of each room, characteristics of the building, and the feel of the property once it is furnished.
CG Panoramas
Computer-generated panoramas are another way that design firms can assist clients in visualizing a potential building plan. Using photorealistic rendering, computer-generated panoramas provide a 360-degree viewing experience, enabling the viewer to actually move around the space using their mouse.
They are able to view all the different elements in the CG environment. This method of 3D visualization allows clients to understand the proposed space and to see if there are any changes that must be made so that the floor plan will fit their needs better.
Virtual Tours
Virtual tours combine the benefits of both computer-generated panoramas and 3D animation to make a fully immersive experience. A virtual tour can be viewed as a movie, taking the viewer through the key highlights and features of each room like a 3D animation does.
However, it can also be manipulated by the viewer like a CG panorama, but allows the viewer more flexibility in their movements through the 3D visualization.
A 3D rendering professional can create a virtual tour that can be shown to viewers who might be anywhere in the world. Virtual tours are especially useful because freelance 3D home rendering can actually provide full virtual tours to viewers, guiding them through the design and showing them certain features just as if they were in the same room.
Since virtual tours are so immersive, they are a great choice for marketing luxury properties, where the level of marketing needs to live up to the product the designer is marketing. Both virtual tours and computer-generated panoramas provide an immersive experience, and are highly successful at selling a customer on a building plan.
Interior Design

3D interior design can be exceptionally helpful for clients who need help with mocking up a space so that they can better understand the potential of the space. 3D design specialists can create lifelike 3D interior renderings that are helpful for clients who know they want to update their living or office space, but want a variety of ideas to choose from.
They can also help people who are in the process of buying a new home, or have just moved into a home and want to know how they can make it “theirs.”
3D rendering firms can provide a mock-up of the space so that the client can better understand options for how they can remodel a space, see issues that need to be resolved and choose a way to resolve them, or just understand how a space will look once it has been redecorated.
Using 3D imaging software, a 3D rendering designer can change elements of the space, including wall color, flooring, and items in the room. A quality 3D visualization artist can easily add photorealistic elements to the room and change different features of the room so that the client can better visualize the space’s potential.
Virtual Staging
3D rendering specialists can virtually stage homes so that people get a better return on their investments when selling their home. Often, people hire a home stager to help them with staging their home in order to get the maximum price.
They go to great lengths to buy items in order to stage their homes, and to make things look the very best they can be in order to increase their home’s value. However, there is now an alternative for those who are preparing to list their homes. Sellers instead can take advantage of CG photorealistic rendering to stage their homes.
3D home staging is quickly becoming popular because it helps sellers avoid the hassle and cost of staging their home. A 3D home stager is able to take an interior space, and add photorealistic decorative elements and furniture to it to enhance it.
Not only is 3D home staging actually cheaper than hiring an interior designer to provide traditional interior design services, but it also can be done so well that there is no discernible difference between the actual items in the picture and the computer-generated ones.
Photorealistic 3D home staging also offers buyers the ability to see the true potential that the home they are considering holds. Since today’s buyers often go online as a first step to buying something, having a well-done 3D home staging ensures that a buyer’s first impression is as positive as possible. Having an exceptionally staged home is especially important for the many buyers who put offers on a home virtually.
In a situation where a buyer may not even see the property he or she is putting an offer on before closing, having a home staged in a way that will show off its best assets and give the buyer the ability to see the potential of each space is of utmost importance.
3D Rendering Services to Support Product Design

Product design is another extremely important facet of 3D rendering. Rather than creating 3D renderings solely for customers to use to visualize items in their homes and lives, or to visualize a future home, product design is involved in the physical design of products that will meet the needs of people.
This is the other, less public use for 3D rendering. These 3D renderings are created with the purpose of supporting product design, helping designers to avoid design flaws, and assisting designers in making aesthetic decisions.
3D models are vital to creating products that work and crucial for avoiding incurring costs through creating physical copies or prototypes of products that just do not work properly, or have a fatal design flaw.
Detailed and photorealistic 3D renderings also give more information to the designer than greyscale 3D models, which is helpful when designers are creating very individualized designs or ones where the color or texture of the product is vital to its function, such as in the case of medical equipment.
2D assembly drawings taken from a 3D model are more precise, highlighting the dual purpose of a 3D rendered model. Not only does it give a product designer valuable information about how the product will look and work when it is completed, but it can be turned into 2D assembly drawings that can be used when the product is ready to be made.
Industrial design firms are able to transform the ideas of clients into workable items by using 3D rendering. Below I explore five ways that 3D rendering services can be used to support product design through concept design, 3D assembly renderings, 3D rendered models for prototyping, 3D rendered medical devices and medical technology, and mechanical rendering.
Concept Design

Creating a new concept design is not easy, but making mistakes in product design is. There are countless examples of products that do not quite work, do not work as well as they should or could, or have a noticeable design flaw that affects the appearance of the item, such as a logo or design that has been noticeably stretched or skewed before it was printed onto the item.
These products fail to fully meet their purposes because of an oversight that could have been fixed through the use of 3D rendering software. An expert 3D rendering professional can ensure that a project functions properly and does not have any design flaws through creating a 3D rendered model that showcases every aspect of the product design before making the physical product.
3D rendering is useful for designers who want to create a new concept, but might struggle to visualize their ideas in a realistic way. It is not easy to create something that is unique, new, and eye-catching, and also works exceptionally well for its intended purpose.
Concept design companies used to use 2D drawings to express their ideas. However, designers have moved away from 2D assembly drawings because they do not give an adequate representation of the project.
A 2D drawing is difficult to read and hard to visualize. Even though it seems that the project might be perfect, it is still easy for oversights to happen when using a 2D drawing because the project is displayed as a flat image.
3D rendered models not only provide a 3D model from which 2D assembly drawings can be made, but also provide an excellent representation of how the project will look once it is completed so that designers can catch any future issues with the project.
3D design professionals can ensure that concept designers are not limited in what they can create or conceptualize. Rather than using 2D drawings or even basic 3D models, concept designers can visualize a project using full color with textures, shading, and a variety of kinds of lighting.
This is especially important because color and texture are vital to the presentation of every finished project. A concept designer is able to fully envision the results of their project if they have a photorealistic 3D rendering of the end results.
3D rendering also allows concept designers to fully change the project they are working on in a variety of ways. When using 2D drawings, a designer must start over to make changes to their project or fix issues that have become apparent, a 3D rendered model can be changed easily without the designer having to start over.
This makes 3D rendering a valuable tool for concept designers, because they need to have the flexibility to change their designs as they realize what is working and what could be better.
For example, a concept designer may be designing an ornate teapot. Working together with a 3D product design specialist, the concept designer has the 3D rendering of the teapot made.
However, they find that when the model is tilted to pour tea, the top of the pot will fall off. The concept designer can easily have this tweaked. When checking the design again, they find that tea pours not only out the spout, but can also pour out the top of the teapot if tilted vigorously.
Again, the concept designer can ask the 3D rendering artist to change this so that there is no issue of potential burns for future customers. Further issues may arise, such as the base being too small, making the teapot easy to tip over, which can also be fixed by the 3D rendering artist.
These changes can all be made easily, without the cost and hassle of creating physical prototypes, and without the hassle of scrapping 2D drawings and redrawing the project multiple times. Additionally, color and texture can be added to the teapot so that the concept designer knows that the teapot will fit their requirements perfectly.
3D Assembly Renderings

3D assembly models are more effective than 2D assembly drawings because they are easier to visualize, more precise in their measurements, and offer untrained viewers a way of understanding even a complex design. However, a 3D rendered assembly model is an even better option for some clients.
While a 3D assembly model ensures that the viewer can understand the project and its functions, humans do not see the world in greyscale 3D models.
Humans are used to seeing objects in full color with all details displayed in a lifelike way with lighting and shadows that make sense to the human eye. Humans find it more difficult to interact with greyscale 3D models that do not represent reality in the best way possible, even though it is true they are better than 2D assembly drawings.
3D rendered models are easier for a viewer to understand than 3D greyscale models. By providing lighting, shadows, color and variations of color, shading, and textures to a design, a 3D visualization artist is able to bring a drab 3D model to life.
A skilled 3D rendering designer is also able to create a photorealistic rendering that is so lifelike that potential buyers and clients who are interested in the product will never tell the 3D rendering from the real thing.
Creating photorealistic 3D renderings is especially useful in situations where a product designer wants to market a design to clients. Rather than creating an actual product and sending it to potential clients to see, sending a drab greyscale 3D model, or worse yet, sending 2D assembly drawings, a 3D rendering can be sent to clients so that they can view it on their electronic device.
A client can easily interact with the object, even if no physical copies have even been produced yet. The 3D rendering is accurately colored, with excellent shading, lighting, and textures, which engages the potential client and shows that this is a product that is viable and profitable. This makes 3D assembly renderings a cost-effective way for product designers to market their products, as they do not have to actually produce a physical product in order to make sales.
Additionally, a 3D rendered assembly model is an excellent way to give those who are producing the product more information about the project, how pieces fit together, and how it will look once it is together.
Workers can look at the internal and external parts, and quickly find the answers to any of their questions about the project. If the factory still requires a 2D assembly model, a 3D rendered assembly model can be provided in addition to this to ensure that everyone is on the same page as to how the product is assembled.
3D Rendered Models for Prototyping

3D design specialists can create 3D rendered prototypes that reduce the need for physical prototypes. They include all the visual information needed for the project and are made according to the precise measurements and requirements of the project.
They can be tested just as physical prototypes can be. Since a 3D rendered model is an exact representation of the project, a physical prototype is no longer necessary. This not only reduces waste, but also reduces costs. Larger projects especially can be very costly, making a physical prototype prohibitively expensive.
For example, vehicles such as airplanes, light armored vehicles, bulldozers, farm equipment, and the like are expensive to produce and have many parts. A 3D rendered assembly model allows its viewers to see the internal and external parts in photorealistic detail.
Additionally, a well-done 3D rendered model of these types of vehicles provides all the details that are needed to market them to potential customers, and can be used as images for marketing in online and physical catalogs.
Medical Devices and Medical Technology

Medical devices are an area where 3D rendering is vital to customer satisfaction. As with everything in the medical world, medical devices and medical technology must be rendered with painstaking accuracy.
However, 3D renderings of medical equipment are able to dramatically change the lives of those who need to use medical equipment on a daily basis. Those using medical devices know just how hard it is to find products that fit their needs, budget, and their bodies.
The process of finding a medical device that works can be frustrating and lengthy. Since everyone has a unique body, it is most effective if medical devices are made to fit a specific person rather than generically fit most humans reasonably well. People who use medical devices on a daily basis want devices that fit their bodies well, are comfortable, and work for them.
Hearing aids and prosthetics are two widely used types of medical devices that have come a long way in recent years. Where once they were very obvious on the wearer’s body, technology has progressed so that these devices not only can fit well and work properly, but also can have the right texture and color to make them appear natural on the wearer’s body.
Having a personalized medical device that is discreet can be life-changing for the wearer, and lead to a dramatically higher quality of life.
3D rendering ensures that a medical device will actually meet the needs of the patient. Using photorealistic 3D rendering, an artist can design a medical device that not only meets the basic needs of a patient, but can also use the patient’s specific measurements to ensure that the device fits exceptionally well and is comfortable.
Furthermore, a 3D rendering specialist is able to match the color of the device very carefully, which ensures that the device will be discreet.
Medical devices are only one way that 3D rendering can be used in the medical industry. Product design specialists can also assist with providing top quality medical care in other areas. 3D rendering is being used in exciting ways to support doctors, medical staff, and students, and to ensure that they are not only able to do a good job, but do the best job possible.
3D renderings can be used in simulations, and can be useful in situations where a medical professional needs to practice before undertaking an actual surgery. They are also exceptionally useful when a doctor needs to get a better idea of a unique medical issue or situation. 3D rendering can also be used to create tools for a certain surgery, or to create models of implants for a patient.
Mechanical Rendering

Mechanical engineering services are used to create a precise model of a mechanical device, including all internal components. The design is tested out to see how it works. Models are created for motors, circuit boards, and other moving mechanical parts, and tested to see if there are design flaws that need to be corrected.
In mechanical rendering, as in 3D rendering for medical devices and technology, there is no room for errors. Measurements must be exact, and the 3D rendering needs to give a clear picture of the device using accurate shading and lighting.
Each component of the mechanical device must be rendered accurately in order for the device to be properly tested to see if the design needs changing before building the actual mechanical device. A failure from a mechanical device could lead to injury or losses, so it is vital that only an experienced and professional mechanical engineer who is a specialist in 3D rendering undertake a project like this.
Creating a mechanical rendering of a device enables a company to ensure that the device they are making is problem-free, and that no issues will arise in the physical copies of the device once they are produced. This is all done without the hassle and expense of creating a physical prototype.
Since the model is a 3D rendering, it can be used on advertising and marketing materials, and can be given to those who will be producing the device. A 3D rendering of a mechanical device is a cost-effective way of ensuring that your company’s project will work, and that you will have easily accessible marketing materials and assembly information created at the same time.
Finding a Design Professional for Your 3D Rendering Project

Many projects could benefit from being 3D rendered by an experienced professional. The benefits of having professionally done 3D visualization are endless. However, it is not always easy to find a good 3D rendering specialist.
Many people find it frustrating and time-consuming to search for a good freelancer who can take on a short-term project or a one-time job. Others choose a 3D rendering professional from a reputable company such as Cad Crowd to meet their 3D rendering needs.
Below I have listed steps to take when searching for a skilled 3D visualization artist for a 3D rendering project.
1. Decide on a Budget
First, decide on the budget that will work for your project. This can be more difficult than it seems. It may be tempting to stick with a small budget for your project, but cutting corners on your budget can lead to attracting freelancers who are inexperienced or who produce sloppy work, or not finding a reputable design company to take on your project.
Remember, 3D rendering is a four-step process, and you need someone who will take care at each step of the process. Ensure that your budget allows you to hire someone who is qualified for the job.
2. Choose a Reputable CAD Company or Search for Freelancers Online
The easiest route to finding a professional 3D rendering artist who can create the photorealistic rendering needed for your project is to choose a reputable company that specializes in providing 3D rendering services. Submit information to them for a quote, or request more information about the services they offer and which ones are right for your specific job.
A company that specializes in this will be knowledgeable about what will be right for your project and will ensure that you have all the information you need to ensure the success of your 3D rendering project. If this is the option you choose, your search stops here, and you can have peace of mind that your project is being handled by experts in the field.
If you choose to search for freelancers, the first place many people look is on freelancing websites such as Fiverr or Upwork. These platforms connect people who are looking for freelancers to the freelancers themselves. Platforms like these allow searchers to use search criteria to filter freelancers who are inexperienced, do not have the right qualifications, or have poor reviews.
Alternatively, you can use portfolio platforms to view the work of freelancers online. If the freelancer’s style matches what you are looking for in your project, contact them to see if they are taking on new freelance jobs.
Make sure that you see how they did with previous 3D rendering jobs. If they have very little 3D visualization material in their portfolio, this could mean that they have little experience in the field, or may be uncomfortable with the quality of their last projects.
It is especially important to ensure that you shortlisted several freelancers, as excellent freelancers might be too busy to take on new jobs, or have a long waitlist.
3. Thoroughly Check Your Candidate’s Profile and References

If you choose to search for a freelancer, compile a shortlist of candidates that meet the requirements you have for your 3D rendering project. Their profiles should indicate that not only are they professional and create exceptional work, but that they are specifically skilled in photorealistic 3D rendering. Check each candidate thoroughly before contacting them.
4. Interview Your Freelance Candidates
After the freelancing candidates get back to you, take the time to interview your top picks to see which one is the best fit for your job. You want someone who will take the time to listen to your ideas, and to work alongside you rather than someone who will take the project and complete it with no communication.
With a photorealistic 3D rendering, it is crucial that the freelancer take the time to get all the details you have explained right.
5. Call Your Freelancer’s References and Choose Whom to Hire
By now, you hopefully know which freelancer you would like to work with. Make sure to check their references before you hire them. This is an important step that many people forget; checking your freelancer’s references will ensure that your freelancer is who they say they are, and that they will produce quality 3D rendering work for you.
Cad Crowd’s 3D Rendering Freelancers at Your Service
If you have decided that you would like a 3D design specialist to do a 3D rendering of your project and would like to avoid the hassle of searching for an artist yourself, Cad Crowd can help!
Cad Crowd’s network of experienced and professional 3D rendering artists are skilled in photorealistic rendering, and will use their expertise to ensure that your company’s project will stand out.
Click below for a free quote, or learn more about how Cad Crowd works and how it can assist you with your project.