Iphone Case - Freelance 3D Designer & Modelling Contest
This is an Iphone 5 case. It is made out of injection molded rubber on the inside and titanium on the outside shell. As you can see in the attached files, the center back of the case is composed of 2 pieces: a round injection molded rubber piece and an aluminum sheet shaped as an eclipse. This aluminum sheet is engraved on one side with an s shape, a wire will be laid on top of that piece.
Convert from AutoCad to Solidworks. Changes in design spec are OK if they make the case look better or increase manufacturing efficiency.
Also are looking to create an attachable- detachable piece. This piece will be on the right side of the case (opposite of the volume buttons) and will allow the consumer to clip-on or somehow attach a leather flap that lays over the Iphone screen.
You can completely change the right side of the case to create this piece. Open to any cool ideas! Try to keep it as slim as possible and efficient in terms of manufacturing.
Unique, yet Simple, Card Holder Tray (Children's Board Game)
Friends, I place this project in your capable hands... please help me move the cause forward! I'm a dad, and one-person start-up, using my retirement savings to develop a children's board game. (There's a real lack of truly funny reading games for kids aged 5-8 years. Most are really boring. My intention is to introduce a new board game at retail that fills the gap and gets younger kids laughing and reading.)
Develop the production-ready Mini Card Holder Tray which will be used in the game.
Deliverables (hope I got these right)...
- A CAD and STL file which can be (a) used to 3D print a prototype/sample, (b) provided to a manufacturer for development of a mold and mass production of tray
- A PDF showing the tray from 2-3 perspectives
This game includes miniature playing cards, and they are held in a card holder tray which is essential to game play. Play starts as the card tray slides over (on top of the table or playing surface) to Player 1. He draws his cards. After playing the cards, he pushes/slides the tray to Player 2. She'll take her turn, and slide the tray to the next player. Turns continue until the game ends.
So the tray will fit in the game box, its size cannot exceed 170mm x 100mm x 35mm.
To ensure proper game play, the card slots (where the cards fit) must be as follows…
- Left Side -- a front and rear slot to hold cards
- Middle -- a single front slot to hold cards
- Right Side -- a front and rear slot to hold cards
Each tray opening/slot must be able to hold at least (35) 44 x 67mm mini playing cards... that's about 14mm deep. (Please also provide the appropriate extra space in the width of the card slots so the cards can be easily inserted and pulled out.)
See attached image of my temporary tray (01_TempTray.jpg) that I cut up crudely from an ice cube mold, for a visual of the number of tray slots, and their orientation.
I've seen two types of trays that could work well. See attached examples in PDF (02_TwoTrayTypes.jpg)...
- Tray that lies flat (on its back)
- Tray that holds cards somewhat upright (at an angle for viewing)
Or maybe a hybrid of the two tray types?
In terms of design, something that's simple, contemporary and visually pleasing (like Apple® products), would be great.
I've attached an earlier mock up of the game's box cover, in case that can stimulate ideas also. (03_BoxCover_InProgress.jpg)
A complex helix for visualising a pedagogic hypothesis
The spiral of learning (Kolb & Kolb) is a simple helix visualising the learner's progress. I need to visualise a more complex spiral. Turns on this helix are circular. Each turn represents an interaction between teacher and learner. This helix contains 1 grand turn. A grand turn contains at least 3 smaller turns. This creates a turn complex. Each turn achieves a small or large rise on the z axis depending on the diameter of the turns on the x and y axes. In elevation view the turn complex should have a stepped appearance due to the presence of the smaller turns, with the lowest steps at left and the highest at right. The idea to be communicated is that the larger turns contain at least 3-5 smaller turns. Each turn achieves a small increase in z-height as the learner exits the turn, like freeway traffic using a cloverleaf junction. Multiple interactive turns aggregate to a large gain in z-height. In the attached illustration, the largest loop should be understood as not a part of the visualisation. I would like to see two variations of the design:
(1) smaller turns ranged on outside of grand turn diameter
(2) smaller turns ranged on inside of grand turn diameter.
Build me a Funky, Cool design for our new sensors
We are coming up with new sensors that we would be installing in gym equipment. We want it to look innovative – that with just one look of our sensors, our brand will be recognized.
Besides having an innovative design, we need a wifi logo – or any design showing that the sensor works via wifi/online, and our logo, GYMetrix, should be part of the sensors’ design.
We have also attached the holes needed for the sensor to work (colored blue and green on the attached design of our current sensors). The holes have to be in place and can’t be moved. They should be carefully integrated in the design – which is the big part of the challenge.
Think out of the box!
*Always refer to the files attached for reference.
We have added more information regarding the design we need:
Color: If possible, the bottom part of the sensor is a different color from the top. So that we can differentiate from the top and bottom part. We have attached an ideal bottom part background we have in mind.
- Bottom surface have to be flat where the blue holes indicated should be.
- Top Surface can be anything. Use your imagination! (Like the beacon image attached).
- We need one side to be flat. We need this to put stickers for inventory purposes.
- One side needs to have the green hole.
- The rest, you can use your creativity!
Size: Current size of our sensors is 7.3cm x 3.4cm x 2.8cm. Don’t be limited with the current dimensions, you can make it slightly bigger to accommodate your new design. However, make sure the placement of the holes needed should still be in place.
Holes: The blue holes indicated in the diagram, is part of the bottom part. Please see attached image “sensor design-holes needed” and other files for reference. The purpose of the 2 holes is where we can (1) turn the sensor on or off and (2) where the light indicator will be.
Total number of holes: 3
File types needed:
- STEP (.stp)
- SolidWorks (.sldprt)
- ProE (.prt)
- Parasolid (.x_t and .x_b)
- ACIS (.sat)
- AutoCAD (.dwg, 3D Only)
- Autodesk Inventor (.ipt)
Biological Cell Cluster
I am looking to obtain a 3D CAD model of a biological cell cluster in order to transfer it to a multiphysics simulation software (COMSOL). The cluster will consist of 120 'cells' in the shape of a hyper-dodecahedron (https://theory.org/geotopo/120-cell/ ). Each side of each dodecahedron must measure ~5um.
Matt Proper