Mini Platform Shoe
3D Shoe Design
I am looking for someone to design a “miniature platform shoe” for me.
I was looking for something like this:
But with a platform. A platform under the toe and therefore a higher heel.
I would like it with just the base, no straps over toes or heels.
Here are some other ideas I found:
I would like the length of the finished model to be approximately 3 – 4 - 5 inches. If it is not too difficult I would like it in three sizes approximately; one 3 inches, one 4 inches and one 5 inches.
Ideally, I would like three models: one 3 inches long, one 4 inches long and one 5 inches long.
The platform part should be hallow inside.
I am kind of flexible on the height of the heel and platform because I am not sure what will and will not 3D print well. I would have to depend on you expertise.
These models will be used for an art project decoration.
It really doesn’t need to be super strong (like able to hold up something) but I would like it to be smooth in the final print.
I will probably want it in black.
This is the first time I have worked with a 3D designer, so forgive me for any mistakes I might make.
I am not even sure a design like this can be made? Will the final product be any good?
If it does work out, I would like any help you can provide in having the model printed. What is the best material to have it 3D printed in? I was looking at the materials guide on shapeways and this seems like frosted detailed plastic might be a good option?
By the way, how much does something like this cost to print and where is the best site to print?
Thanks so much for looking at my idea and let me know the next steps.
I have included a few pictures of my ideas. By the way, the top edge of my pictures of the shoes are rough but they are supposed to be perfectly smooth.