3D logo figure
We are an internet company from Serbia and the market leader in classifieds portals. We would like to 3D print our logo (we already have a 3D printer - LulzBot TAZ Mini), to be used as a gift for our clients and other marketing purposes.
We need the creative solution for a 3D model of our logo.
Here are the details:
- our logo represents a running man with an "@" instead of a head. We have the logo in 2D, and it should be converted to 3D
- we want to have some moving parts on the 3D model (hands, legs, head - we're open to suggestions based on what is possible)
- the model should be no more than 10cm in height
- we need a .stl file for printing
Many projects
I have a company with CNC machines and from time to time i need to make some 3d designs, i will either send to you the picture or 2d file (autocad or corel draw) and you will have to change it to 3d file ready for the machine to cut
Bring our mascot to life! 2D to 3D Design for 3D Printing
Our mascot has lived his entire life as nothing more than a 2D image on a screen. It's very sad, and it's time that changed!
We would like to render our buddy into 3D with the ability to print and assemble him with the new wave of MakerBot 2 3D printers. The output should be an SLA files we can slice and print.
The final piece will be used as promotional material and/or just something around the office.
modern censer Product
To take idea about the censer
you can search google to see the ordinary shape of censer.
Main idea:
create a ( new + modern + Sleek + simple ) design for censer.
I will put the inspiration for what I am looking in the next pages.
I need your creativity and your sense of beauty.
Here I not looking for the industrial design, I'm looking for the beauty of the external product design. your output I will give to industrial engineer to fabricated
Toy Stroller
Design a toy stroller. I have an example. Just the frame not the basket. I doesn't need to fold up. I would like the tubing thicker then the one in the picture.