Stack of Schnauzer puppies
I need a 3D drawing of a stack of schnauzer puppies (in diapers) that are placed on top of one another (alternating back and front). I intend to 3D print this out and it's meant as a Christmas present.
Dental Tool
Mass produced plastic tool for dental product. My immediate need, however is to have 3-D prints made for evaluation. I'd also like to use the same file for manufacturing. Plan of tool, logo file, detail of head and pic of possible diamond-pattern knurling grip attached.
Bespoke 3D printed Sunglasses
We are ready to make Bespoke consumer level 3D printed sunglasses a reality. The company has a Lens Kit that these frames will be designed specifically for so attention to detail is key. The STL files for with the lens dimensions are attached. We have more designs to come so the chosen designer will have ongoing work.
2D to 3D CAD
3D- Printing Expert
STL print ready File
Animilastic Logo for 3D Print
I want to print mini sculptes and otherthings out of a 3D print for my ultimate frisbee team. So i want to turn the dogs head from our logo to a 3D character (also only the head)
"They Might Be Giants" School Award
I am a local community member working with a K-8 school principal to develop a custom award for two members of their faculty to be given out each year. The award is called "They Might Be Giants" and it celebrates educators who have been the "shoulders" that younger educators have stood on. Think like a mentor, but more than that. Ultimately the creation from this contest will be 3D Printed and integrated into the final award. Think 6" - 8" high 3D giant. I'm open to ideas, but the attached pictures provides a good references of the giant idea and it supporting people on its shoulders. If you notice the male and female standing on the giant's shoulders in the reference photo you get a sense of them looking into the horizon. Where the Giant has a sense of forward motion. It is the combination of the sense of movement toward the horizon, and the eagerness to look toward the future that I to capture with this 3D element.
The working concept for this award is based on an award presented by the Advertising Hall of Fame called "The Golden Ladder" Award (See attached photo). In place of the golden ladder will be the giant element that this contest is looking to produce. The total height from the foot of the giant, to the top of the tallest head of the person standing on the giant's shoulders will be no more than 8" high
JT Customs