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Hi Flaviano Crespi. I really like this Italian-inspired design. The shape is great and it is clean overall. Currently, you show the cables coming from the side. Would it be possible to rotate the circuit board so that he cables come out of the back? That will drive a circuit board change - we&;re aware of that. We just need to make sure the radios (two modules mounted to the top circuit board) will still fit. If the board they&;re mounting to needs to change shape, then that&;s OK. I think we may prefer screws to hold the assembly together, although the snaps on the lid are very clever. What ideas do you have for showing the LED function (i.e. cloud, home, electricity meter, power)?
Hi Saket CAD. We like this design. How will you hold the circuit board and how will the assembly be held together? Can you give us an exploded view showing the components? Thanks!
Steven - this is a nice simple design and is very clean. The renderings look great. Can you please show some branding options and labeling options (for the LEDs). Also, how will you hold the circuit board and the whole assembly together (i.e. internal design)? Thanks!
Hi Dahmoun, we especially like this entry. We also like . On , can you give us an idea of what labeling (for the LEDs) and some branding will look like on the renderings? How would you go about mounting the circuit boards and holding the whole assembly together? For , similar questions, mounting & assembly. Thanks again - they look good!
Hello StraightEdge. We like the style of your submissions. Could you provide more detail on how you will hold the PCB? What are your ideas to resolve the mismatches between the curved surfaces and the fixed points (i.e. light pipes and connectors do not currently line up). Can you provide an exploded view and/or STEP so we can have a look. Thanks!
Just wondering if you had any thoughts towards some of my latest entries? Could use your point of view to help generate more creative ideas for you.
It still lacks in my new design the interior part, while waiting for your answer
Thank you all for the submissions so far. Now that I&;ve had a chance to look through the different entries, I&;ve got a better idea of what I&;m looking for. I&;ve included a new document attached to the project named "Design Feedback" that will give some input.
Thu, 15 Feb 2018 16:26:22 +0000
Looks intresting, i will participate.
Not sure if there is such a thing anymore as an "unique" bluetooth speaker..? Google and Youtube seem to have that covered. What do you think will make your bluetooth speaker stand out from the rest? The one I found that stands out from the rest is worth $3000 USD. Now that&;s unique!
New design, please check it
Thanks @InergySys for the great comments and suggestion i will try to get this design more reliable yet friendly and innovative and to align to your idea
Hi Artspace. Thank you for the excellent sketch ! Nice drawings skills. I think the electroluminescent or transparent idea is an interesting idea to get feedback to the user. You can look across the room and quickly assess the status based on color. Also, consider other options to get feedback out of the unit such as motion, holes/vents/openings or localized transparent indicators that are flush/recessed. For the overall shape, it&;s good that you showed where/how the connectors will be presented. Please see the other comments from today for additional details. For inspiration, go to Google, type Modern Design then click images. You&;ll get a feel for where this will live... I do like the thought process for the shape you started with. Please see if you can use that as a starting point and continue to refine things based on this feedback. Thanks again and good start!
Hi Decker. Thanks for the design concept ! Nice Rendering! I like that you&;re thinking about streamlining things and prominent visual feedback. We&;re looking to go for a modern-looking design and this may be a bit too futuristic. Make sure you&;re thinking something that is durable, in control, and can be trusted. This should be stylish, but isn&;t going to steal the show. It will be part of your daily life sitting on your bookshelf, or kitchen counter, running 24 hours a day. The design will need to be able to blend into just about any decor and will generally be used by homeowners that are ~30+. I see a lot of the Wi-Fi router folks (i.e. NetGear) go with real angular designs or the nVidia shield type design where they&;re really trying to convey performance or speed and appeal to gamer types. That&;s not us. Think about walking down the aisle at Home Depot, glancing at the home automation/control widgets and thinking - wow, that looks interesting??? I can see that in my home, and I get a sense that it must control things, help me save energy, and be trustworthy always doing it’s job. Thank you again and I look forward to continuing to refine things!
Hi arkiattack, I&;ve upload an iges file that has both boards (the bottom fixed board, the top board that may/will change) along with the prototype enclosure (discard and replace with something new and great!). Please give that a shot and see if it works for you!
Hello everyone, very interesting project
Hi! can you reload the MYS-6ULX file, it does not open, it seems that it has an error, or it is incomplete. Thank you!!:D
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