Electronic Cigarette Lightsaber MOD Variable Voltage via DNA 30 OLED
This contest is for a design of an ecig mod. The mod will be designed around the 18650 battery, 510 connection, tritium keychain(without the keychain ring), the DNA 30d variable voltage board, and usb charger board from evolve. The design will be cut in titanium or stainless by a 4 axis cnc and/or digital lathe. Design should be simple, but very scifi in look. Should look like a sleek lightsabre as much as possible. Design should feature a magnetic switch that uses opposing magnetic poles to keep the switch out unlike most mod switch that have spring type switches. All the parts should be threaded or use c clips, etc for easy dissemble and reassemble.
DNA and UBD board Info can be found here
Data sheet
tritium keychain
The screen of the dna 30 board must be visible on the outside. but inset for protection.
Mechanical Specifications of DNA 30D Screen
1) Dot Matrix 96(W)×16 (H)
2) Dot Size: 0.16(W)×0.18 (H) mm2
3) Dot Pitch: 0.18(W)×0.20 (H) mm2
4) Aperture Rate: 80 %
5) Active Area: 17.26(W)×3.18 (H) mm2
6) Panel Size: 26.3(W)×8(H) mm2
7) Diagonal A/A Size: 0.69 inch
The DNA board its self should be supported by some sort of plastic insert for the metal body but must leave room for wiring to 510 connection and battery tube sections. If winning designs are manufacture-able then they will also receive the item they designed one we build them.
Retractable holder C2
I am looking first for a design concept that will improve the look of this product.
Modernize the look of this rectangular spring loaded retractable string that holds a pencil-holding adapter. Right now the body is a a plain looking 1.25" x 1.25" x .375" with a flexible rubber adapter on the end of a string.
I would like something that looks industrial, heavy duty and sleek, and a look that flows into the flexible adapter. Think about how an Apple design person would want this to appear.
This version will be used by working contractors and tradesman. This has a belt slide clip on the back, that should stay about the same although I will entertain an optional carabineer hook.
Build me a Funky, Cool design for our new sensors
We are coming up with new sensors that we would be installing in gym equipment. We want it to look innovative – that with just one look of our sensors, our brand will be recognized.
Besides having an innovative design, we need a wifi logo – or any design showing that the sensor works via wifi/online, and our logo, GYMetrix, should be part of the sensors’ design.
We have also attached the holes needed for the sensor to work (colored blue and green on the attached design of our current sensors). The holes have to be in place and can’t be moved. They should be carefully integrated in the design – which is the big part of the challenge.
Think out of the box!
*Always refer to the files attached for reference.
We have added more information regarding the design we need:
Color: If possible, the bottom part of the sensor is a different color from the top. So that we can differentiate from the top and bottom part. We have attached an ideal bottom part background we have in mind.
- Bottom surface have to be flat where the blue holes indicated should be.
- Top Surface can be anything. Use your imagination! (Like the beacon image attached).
- We need one side to be flat. We need this to put stickers for inventory purposes.
- One side needs to have the green hole.
- The rest, you can use your creativity!
Size: Current size of our sensors is 7.3cm x 3.4cm x 2.8cm. Don’t be limited with the current dimensions, you can make it slightly bigger to accommodate your new design. However, make sure the placement of the holes needed should still be in place.
Holes: The blue holes indicated in the diagram, is part of the bottom part. Please see attached image “sensor design-holes needed” and other files for reference. The purpose of the 2 holes is where we can (1) turn the sensor on or off and (2) where the light indicator will be.
Total number of holes: 3
File types needed:
- STEP (.stp)
- SolidWorks (.sldprt)
- ProE (.prt)
- Parasolid (.x_t and .x_b)
- ACIS (.sat)
- AutoCAD (.dwg, 3D Only)
- Autodesk Inventor (.ipt)
Design modern curtain pole brackets and finials
We are looking for someone who can produce new technical drawings of curtain pole brackets for metal poles 19mm 25mm and 35mm diameters. You will need to research the market to establish basic principle and then create end, centre and recess brackets, and brackets for "passing rings".
We also require modern finials designs that will be made from metal, glass and resin. The designs need to be sleek, interesting and modern.
For companies that produce the type of bracket and finials we are looking to create are JAB international, Walcot House, The Bradley Collection.
We shall be using hollow poles.
Acela PCB Layout
I am in need of a PCB layout. I have the following complete:
* Full schematic in Atium Designer V17
* All electrical components have been selected.
* PCB size and all component placement is complete
* Full Altium project file available to send to you.
I need the PCB routing completed as soon as possible.