Mini-ITX Computer Case
Hi Everyone!
This contest is for the smallest Mini-ITX computer case with the following requirements:
-Includes rendering of a mini-itx motherboard
-Includes rendering of two nvidia 1080 video card in sli configuration
-Enough room for liquid cooling on cpu and video cards including radiator fan(internal or external).
-Includes rendering of 800watt SFX-L PSU
Electronic necklace device
Its an electronic device hanging by a chain from a neck.
2.5 x 2 x 1 cm is the size of electronic component inside of it, however we dont want it to be square. Those dimensions are given as rough estimate of total volume of device. It is water proof. 1 usb-c port on a side with a cover. And one sliding switch. And a place for a chain to go through.
Klein two way radio
We are going to make a new housing / face design for our two-way radios (walkie talkies). Must be professional, not a kids-toy design. Something rugged, ergonomic, and aesthetically pleasing.
Panic Button with logo
Denis, we need your help urgently. The lighting is not working for us on the light silver shell and it's coming out really dark on our end. Can you please create a render for us where you swap out the exclamation point with this logo? And show it in a variety of colors? Here are the instructions:
1. Swap out exclamation point with this logo
2. Show it in a variety of colors - maybe 4 or 5 logo colors. Please keep the logo treatment the same as this exclamation point treatment. Nothing should be different except the exclamation point becomes this logo.
3. Shell color is the light silver shell.
4. I have attached the logo file plus a mock of what we're looking to achieve.
5. One render where it is closed as well where you can see “armed” light
6. Timeline: tonight. Is this possible? We need it for a meeting tomorrow morning PST.
Gridseed Scrypt ASIC Mining Frame - Acrylic Waterjet & CNC
Let's do something futuristic.
Cryptocurrency mining, heard of it? There's specialty computer hardware used to hash mathematical algorithms in a distributed network to generate digital money!
This project is to build a frame to sexily mount 10 of these specialty computers to in hopes of cleaning up some messy mining rigs out there.
Speaking of messy rigs, here's a video of some good and some bad examples of the Gridseed ASIC miners.
In the attached image TheDrawingBoard.jpg you'll see some ideas but I welcome your own input if you believe you've got something that equals win.
Ask questions, let's do this!