6 Rendered AnimationsBlind

in 3D Printing Design held by Higgson
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I will provide a Navisworks 2013 NWD file that contains 6 animations that I need exporting as 1080 Avi's.
you will need to set the lighting to produce shadows and photorealistic flythroughs.
Textures will be already bound in....
You have the option to use another package as I can wire you the native DWG files, but you will need to re texturise the model...
29 FPS
AVI files.
Don't Wants:
Unrealistic rendered AVI's.
File Size Limit:
25 MB +
  1. Autodesk Navisworks (2013)
Additional Information
<p>Actually, sorry, i only need you to render 4 flythroughs....</p>
<p>You will need to add lighting to the NWD file....I have set it so you can re save the NWD...</p>


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No Entries Submitted Yet.


2 Apr, 2013
no not rocket. engineering science.
Lights= sun direction, exposure levels, color drift, shadow fall off, hot spots, reflections, ambient lights.
Render= always multiple tries. (I&;m usually into a couple dozen renders before I get it just right, at around10 minutes each for my PC, depending on complexity of the design)
Then after is actually set up you can run the process "overnight". Assemble the next day.
20 seconds animation @ 29fps around 600 frames per animation, times 10 minutes each = 100 hours of processing...
that&;s just doing the quick math from this here engineering scientist. So good luck getting someone to do it for $80. Advertise in India.



2 Apr, 2013
"The last one I did took a week to set up"
4x animations and textures already set up.

"3 days processing to render it"
The 4 animations are all less than 20 seconds long.

All it needs is someone with Navisworks 2013 rendering experience, who can spend 20 minutes putting appropriate lights in the model, who understands how to set the lights in conjunction with how powerful their machine is.... then leave machine on over night rendering..... Not rocket science!

2 Apr, 2013
Oh wait I see it&;s April 1 so you thought you would make a big joke... :\ hilarious
2 Apr, 2013
Seriously? Do you know how much work an animation sequence is? The last one I did took a week to set up and 3 days processing to render it, then another day in post production for a 40 second animation. I suggest you try it yourself before offering people 80 dollars for it.



1 Apr, 2013
link to NWD file (1980x1080 frame size)



1 Apr, 2013
I will provide a Navisworks 2013 NWD file that contains 4 animations that I need exporting as 1080 Avi&;s.
you will need to set the lighting to produce shadows and photorealistic flythroughs.
Textures will be already bound in....
You have the option to use another package as I can wire you the native DWG files, but you will need to re texturise the model...

NWD file uploaded....

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