Editable 3D Print Design File Template/GeneratorBlind

in 3D Printing Design held by robertw6
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I am looking for somebody with extensive experience that can develop/design an editable 3D print file for a custom divider box insert that will fit inside a Milwaukee 48-22-8442 Packout drawer. The file must be split into 3-4 sections so that it can be printed on my Bambu X1C printer. The interior of the insert must be easily customizable so that I can move the interior dividers around myself so that I can print customized divider boxes. I do not have any experience with CAD software so these modifications must be able to be made with a very simple & basic software that I can download for free or a minimal fee. Sense I do not have any experience with CAD, 3D modeling or 3D printing I will need support and documented step by step instructions on how to modify the interior of the insert myself. The intent of this project is to make a 3D file template that I can continually edit/modify the interior to create custom sized interior compartments to store tools/small parts. I have purchased a blank STL file for the interior of this drawer that I can share as a reference guide to help with the interior dimensions of the drawer however I will not be able to provide any further dimensions or scans of the drawer.
Project Requirements Overview:
1. Custom Insert Design:

Fits the Milwaukee 48-22-8442 Packout drawer.
Divided into 3-4 sections to suit the printing capacity of your Bambu X1C printer.
Customizable interior dividers to allow reconfiguration.

2. File Format:

Compatible with basic, user-friendly software for editing.
STL file (standard for 3D printing).

3. Ease of Use:

Provide detailed, step-by-step documentation to modify divider positions.
Design allows straightforward adjustments by the user.

4. Tool Accessibility:

Ensure any software used (free or minimal cost) is beginner-friendly.

Proposed Workflow:

1. Design & Development:

Use CAD software such as Fusion 360, Tinkercad, or Onshape for initial design.
Split the file into 3-4 sections, optimizing it for your Bambu X1C's build volume.

2. Customization Features:

Design dividers as modular pieces that slide into predesigned grooves or slots.
Include basic snap or friction fit options for dividers to eliminate the need for glue or additional tools.

3. Software for User Editing:

Use Tinkercad (free, web-based, and very user-friendly) for modifications.
Alternatively, recommend PrusaSlicer for basic scaling or rearranging.

4. Step-by-Step Guide:

Create a visual and written guide covering:
Loading the file into the software.
Adjusting divider placement.
Exporting the updated STL for printing.
Importing to the Bambu X1C slicer software.
Don't Wants:
A design that does not correctly fit the interior of the Milwaukee 48-22-8442 Packout drawer.

A design/template that is not easily editable

A design that is not ready to print on my Bambu Xlc 3D printer

A design that will require expensive software to edit/modify

A design that will require learning CAD or other software to edit/modify

A design that is not turn-key and ready for me to edit/modify & print with my Bambu X1C
Ask for Sample:
Please provide samples of similar work


= Buyer's Rating
#12 Milwaukee Drawer 48-22-8442 Update by CUONGVANDUYNGUYEN




Fri, 31 Jan 2025 22:08:05 +0000
Hi, I posted in late January. I wanted to get some feedback so I can make some changes prior to submission date



Wed, 29 Jan 2025 02:35:03 +0000
Keen to get any feedback whatsoever on design 25



Mon, 27 Jan 2025 11:57:47 +0000
Hello, please rate my design 34, and advise for any changes to enhance



Sun, 26 Jan 2025 05:10:57 +0000
Greetings to You! My name is Daniel Clayton Fowler and I have been working every day since this project was posted initially on creating the perfect template that is easily customizable within the OnShape Software that is free to download on Google Play for a Mobile experience and is also available to use for free online. The issue I am having is getting the Hypertext Mark-Up Language (HTML) page showcasing how to assemble the Four proper Sections of the Milwaukee Packout Drawer 48-22-8442 Tray, to You without downloading any other software. The (.html) webpage has an animation that is color-coded to match the names of the Component Files, which are included as direct links to the online designated computer-animated drawing software that provides complete and instantaneous access enabling the customization process. I am inquiring about your ability to utilize an HTML Editor, or if You have any experience using a GitHub repository; At a glance, this is the list of Deliverables I would like for You to look over and inform Me of any inconsistency with the project if at possible; Thank You for your time and consideration!

website = https://cadtechintegration.temporary-demo.site
webpage = https://github.com/VacantBankruptcy101/animation.git
template = templateMilwuakeePackout2DrawerTray48.22.8442.stl
template drawings = {
.dwg files = {
.stl files = {



Fri, 24 Jan 2025 20:21:28 +0000
Hi, I hope you are well, I submitted Custom Divider Box. Please feel free to have a review and make any recommendations to the design



Tue, 21 Jan 2025 13:26:27 +0000
Hi Robert
I hope you&;re doing well! I just wanted to follow up and check if everything is working as expected with the project I delivered. It was a pleasure working with you, and I’d love to hear your thoughts.
If you’re happy with the work, I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a review. Your feedback not only helps me improve but also assists future clients in making their decisions.
Thank you once again for the opportunity to work on your project / Contest!

Best regards,



Thu, 16 Jan 2025 03:24:52 +0000
Hi Robert were you able to see my design? Would love some feedback



Tue, 14 Jan 2025 15:20:47 +0000
Let me know what you think and if you require any adjustments with anything at all. I will be happy to make the changes as required. May I ask for a review and a comment? Thank you for your time.



Sat, 11 Jan 2025 04:04:55 +0000
@robertw6 To address the challenges you&;ve outlined and ensure the customer receives a fully functional, customizable compartment system that meets their expectations.

But there are some problems, like you resize one compartment. You need to modify the side compartment. Also, for perfect fitting, you need precious software . Print compartment again and again after modifying, mainly you only modify one compartment to print another, and it’s possible in only removable devider in case box have square size or 2x2 or size 2x4 are following perfect grid but as you sended references not get perfectly gridded compartment is grid at only vertically.
Please reply I am wrong or not.



Fri, 10 Jan 2025 23:28:01 +0000
I am looking to have something similar to the Gridfinity Generator so that I can easily customize the interior compartments



Fri, 10 Jan 2025 10:54:39 +0000
Hi, just a quick couple of question, you want the number of internal compartments to be customizable along with their individual lengths and widths am I correct in saying this?
Thu, 09 Jan 2025 22:12:08 +0000
I was expecting something in blender with basic programing using extrude nurbs adjustables, is what I would like to offer, but no free software skill here sorry.



Thu, 09 Jan 2025 14:42:53 +0000
I have uploaded my design work with details pdf with manual please review and give feedback thank you.
Thu, 09 Jan 2025 02:23:45 +0000
Please review our article and let us know if we are on the right track. Thank you!



Wed, 08 Jan 2025 21:17:14 +0000
I will send you models and manual how to modufy it in tinkercad.



Wed, 08 Jan 2025 20:37:18 +0000
I am willing to purchase basic CAD software if required however I do not have any experience with CAD software so the instructions on how to edit & modify the file must be 100% clear so that I can make custom size adjustments to the interior compartments without any working knowledge of CAD software.

I will be using a Windows computer.

I would like the compartments to be easily modifiable within the CAD software so they print integrated with the drawer insert. I am hoping to avoid having to go the route of removable compartments/dividers but I am not 100% against this idea. If I went in the direction of the removable compartments/dividers, I would need the dividers to be customizable within about 3/4".

I do NOT have any coding experience.



Wed, 08 Jan 2025 19:35:58 +0000
Are you using Windows, Mac or Linux? Also would you like these dividers to be integrated into the drawer insert, or removable compartments?
Wed, 08 Jan 2025 16:50:19 +0000
Hello, I don&;t think it&;s feasible to modify the model without CAD software, because for the model to respect the parameters, a calculation is necessary and for that you need capable software, that is to say CAD software.
Tue, 07 Jan 2025 23:59:00 +0000
google &;gridfinity&; massive self-configureable stackable 3D printable storage schema!



Tue, 07 Jan 2025 20:58:15 +0000
Hi, do you have any coding experience? (i.e. could you run a python file?)

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