OBD2 Box
Automotive Design
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I am looking for a CAD design (iges) for an injection moulding company to make a tool from.The design will be for an OBD2 box which is a box that plugs into the cars OBD port.
I have uploaded some images of the sizes and the current box but this is too plain and generic, we need something bespoke to our company and something that looks sharp. Maybe even with a bit of a fancy shape, again think gucci perfume bottle.
The market for this item is the 17-25 year old group so it needs to look "bling", think Gucci perfume bottle look etc.The box will be very pleasing to the eye so that shelf marketing works.
Dimensions are: 45mm x 23mm x 75mm.
the unit will be open at one end to fit the electrics into the box and will join onto the electrics end piece. I have enclosed photos for viewing. in the photos are the image of our boxes for the packaging, I would like to outline the car and zeusflash writing as an indent into the box so that we can place a domed sticker onto the box with out company logo. At the bottom of the front of the box I would like www.zeusflash.com and on the side of the box i would like a 0.5mm indent sized 15mm x 30mm so we can house a security tab sticker.
The box will be in 2 half's and I would like a design that needs no screws so clips together for security, we will be filling the box with a resin to secure the electrics.
Any questions, please ask.
on the
Don't Wants:
I dont want anything too plain, this must be pleasing to the eye.
- CAD iges or step
Additional Information
I have uploaded a picture of a bottle of perfume that I would like to mimic.I would like to house the electronics with the end cap into a box replicating this bottle.
the dimensions of the electronic board are 35mm x 25mm x 2mm
1st Winner
#8 OBD2 Box
by FJD_Design3DConcepts
#1 design1
by ezer153
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#2 OBD2 Box - only example rendering
by Vincenzo Ricci
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#3 OBD2 Box 2 - only example rendering
by Vincenzo Ricci
#4 OBD2 Box 2b - only inner example rendering
by Vincenzo Ricci
by FJD_Design3DConcepts
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#6 OBD2 Box 2c - example rendering and model
by Vincenzo Ricci
#7 design2
by ezer153
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the hole on the bottom is only to inject a resin and will be covered by a sticker.
Can you please provide the dimension of the hole on the bottom part if it is needed and also for the space of the item that it will hold. Thanks.
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