Pocket Lock-it
This Contest is for a hip and totally cool "Pocket Lock It". This product will need to be trendy and something that every teenager and young adult will love!
It seems that with the electronic craze everyone loves to put their cellphones in their back pockets. Its accessible and where else would you put.Have you ever had your phone or keys fall out of your pocket when going to the restroom? I actually had a set of keys fall into the toilet and then the toilet automatically flushed leaving me with no keys!
This product is specifically designed to be able to keep phones and other small items from falling out of your pocket when pulling your pants up or down. I want it to be very stylish and trendy. I'm open to shapes and all design features outside of the information that I will present to you.
Think the back pocket of your jeans in terms of size. Then it should be easily accessible to put the phone in and out. There could possibly be a chain or something that could be attached to the belt loops. Or it could be something that attaches to the crevice of the jean pocket to keep the Pocket Lock attached firmly to the pants. The material should be something that clings to fabric. It should feature an opening that will not allow the phone or keys to fall out
Plastic container with lid
2 plastic containers with lids:
#1 - Screws onto a Desitin container (see attached picture for what Desitin container looks like, available from any mass merchandise store in the Baby aisle)
#2 - Same design, but just a standard container that can be set on a table
I will be using this design to 3D print these containers
On Top Tents
Building prototype for roof top tent that's fits on top cars, trucks, etc., previously I manufactured a fiberglass roof top tent that was much like a clam shell (see autohometents.com). There are numerous roof top tents available, all feature a nylon material as the complete tent or just nylon sides as in the autohome. My design is to utilize aluminum foam panels that provide a total solid surface of top sides and bottom. This design would be a roof top tent taking the idea from aliner.com but without the tow features of wheels and frame. Therefore the tent would fit on top a vehicle and open same as aliner except would require different entry door configuration but keeping light panels. It is for sleeping only so need low profile.
Textured Gloves For Cleaning Limescale In Sinks
Hi, I am looking to find the most inspiring designs for gloves that help clean. We need a realistic model based on the patched prototype we have currently. I would choose a clean realistic graphic/ rendering to show manufacturers.
Background Info For Reference:
Smart two-way cleaning gloves that allow you to use both hands to clean away any limescale and dirt using the 'exfoliation' part; flip around and polish with the 'polishing' part - leaving a beautiful shine. The inside of the gloves is non-allergenic and waterproof.
Ideally, the Designer need to:
Show a design with alternative colors (magenta, yellow, white etc) but the fixed texture type on side-1 as per image;
Develop a CGI visual of the prototype.
Note: The product should go further up the wrist / underarm than currently shown...and all the materials ideally be recycled or minimising impact (if you can make it look eco friendly, bonus points).
Once we are happy with the design, we will gather quotes from manufacturers. The prize is for best design, we will be willing to pay more to the right person to modify the design to requirements later.