Designing a Business-Oriented Conceptualization tool: a 3D Cube to visualize market segments
Choosing Finalist
Additionally, we have drafted a “cube within a cube” approach: you can zoom in on 1 specific geography and get a second cube, which will show market segments along three axes (product, customer and a new one: distribution channel). The design should integrate this “cube within a cube logic”. Please refer to the uploaded screens to better grasp what it means visually.
The deliverable produced by the designer(s) using CAD will be used extensively by non-experts to build presentation-ready visuals in a business-oriented environment.
The deliverable must meet the following requirements:
- Possibility to highlight different segments with multiple colors in a flexible and user-friendly way
- Possibility to visualize the cube from different angles
- Possibility to easily change the labels of the different axes
You can refer to the uploaded screenshots to better understand what the deliverable will look like.
Important: we advise designers to focus on designing only a few visuals at first: slides A,B,E,F,G & 1 to limit the time they will have to dedicate to compete. As a second step, we will select one or two designers to produce the final deliverables, giving them extra context and information.
After the contest is over, the winner may be proposed additional jobs around the project, in exchange for a competitive compensation.
- The design must be very flexible for extensive use in the future to build visuals for presentations in a corporate environment by highlighting different segments
- Non-expert CAD users must be able to leverage, to “play with” the design very easily, using simply a CAD reader/publisher (such as eDrawings Publisher or AutoDesk Design Review – still to be determined)
- Given the nature of the design we are asking for, the general aesthetics and the colors used will be taken into account. Note: the main theme color for the design of the cube should be blue (please refer to the uploaded files)
- Deliverables must be provided in 3 formats:
o Image File (.jpg or other)
o CAD (AutoCAD or SolidWorks)
- AutoCAD
- SolidWorks
Thank you
1. I sincerely apologize to those of you who used Solidworks, we are narrowing the scope to AUTOCAD ONLY
2. For now Kristian&;s design is the one which probably meets best our requirements (except for the fact that it was made with Solidworks). Vinya is also on the right track, though it seems your AutoCAD drawing is not really 3D
3. The Solidworks drawing made by Vinya (Ghost Cube) is very interesting in terms of "look and feel", especially when it comes to the transparency of the different layers of the cube. We encourage you to follow his lead, and to work on the best way to visualize the inside rectangles/blocks in terms of color and transparency.
Thank you for this input, it is very appreciated. I have a meeting with one of our CAD-savvy people today, so I&;ll come back to you all this afternoon to tell you which pieces of softwares we&;ll be using for the future editing.
1. Yes, there could be additional sub-segments in the future, so it should be easy to edit them
2. It just has to be shaped as a cube (to be visually more aesthectic) even though it may not be exactly 5X5X5 (i.e. could be 4X5x5 for instance)
@Indra & Kristian:
I understand that the fact that we are not trained for CAD is a challenge for you designers, so basically thinking about the user-friendliness is part of the requirements. Please just think about the best and easiest way for it to work (MS Excel can be just fine) since this will make up a big part of our selection process.
I hope this helps
1.Make your changes (in excel table)then save it.
2.OPen the part file in Solidworks(to update changes from table).
3.Save the part file to edrawings or whatever format
I have some question regarding your project.
- On the customers segment, can it possibly there are more segments besides 3.a, 3.b, 3.c, 5.a, and 5.b (ex. 1.a or 2.e)? Do you want the dimension of those segments can be edited to??
- Is the cube always consist of 5x5x5 cubes?
We (designers) will try our best to help you to be able to "play with" the design in a simple way. But of course it still need some effort from you to understand.
If I may, I want to try using the design table fiture from SolidWorks, so you can just editing the design by parameters input using Ms. Excel. This link can help you to understand a little about Solidworks design table.
Thank you.
Does that answer your question?
at the end i beleive u going to screen grab 3d model and then transfer it powerpoint or something is it? if yes it&;ll better labelling u do outside 3d model
- step 2/final deliverable: a very important point is the possibility to modify the design in the future (basically to create and manipulate new blocks inside the cube). 3D pdf does not allow this, does it? Tell me if it does, and in this case bear with me and I&;ll ask internally if this could be accepted
Versailles Cube