Cottage Lake House Porch Addition
Choosing Finalist
I have a contractor that can build from sight or plans.
Must have metal roof.
I will attach a few photos of porches that I like to the last two spots.
It can slope straight down.
- I am unfamiliar with what to use
Also, The porch CAN'T slope straight down!
I would leave the planters and benches where they are and place the new columns directly behind them as I have shown in the submittal. They are too nice to remove.
Not really sure what a gable looks like
>Looking at the house from the lake the frist pole the right can actually go in the ground without going through the deck and it is 15&; 10" the next planter box is 15&; 11" the next one after that is 14&; 9" and then 12&; 6" to the second window (from the left) beam where the porch will end. These measurements include a 22&; setback from the edge of the deck which is on the property line.
>Now, the height.... the porch will attach at 11&; from the deck and the pole will have to go in the ground which is 14&; from the attachment point. Nice and tall.
>I hope this makes sense. Let me know it it doesn&;t.
I have a design finished for you, but the CAD Crowd documents suggest not submitting a design until a payment has been made; as I see your status is Payment Pending. I am not sure exactly how this works on your end, but it would be nice to be paid for my work if you like the design.
I have several idea that would work great but I want to make sure I am on the ball park with your ideas.
I can have this turned out in a day for you if you can get back ASAP