MuTT MoTE™ and MeOw MoTe™

in 3D Modeling Design held by InventorsCorp
Contest Closed
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  • Choosing Finalist
  • Ended
Very simple stackable design for a pet feeder with the food in the middle and a mote of water around it. Center should be high enough to keep food dry and surrounding water mote area should be large and deep enough to hold enough water for the pet to drink.
3 sizes for dogs the small, medium, large the small size can also be for cats Just think mass production and let your imagination flow. Must Be Stackable!

SLT or equivalent File for 3D Printed Prototypes
Don't Wants:
something to crazy Must be a producible product.
Ask for Sample:
Yes Please... The winner will also receive a 5% royalty
  1. AutoCAD
  2. Autodesk Inventor


= Buyer's Rating
#9 Smart Pet Feeder by EaS
#8 MuTT MoTTE version 1 concept by PETER LAKATOS
#6 Stackable pet feeder by Julio C.
#5 Ellipse Feeder by Keep
#4 MUTT MOTE2 by KeyConcepts
#3 MUTT MOTE1 by KeyConcepts
#2 Dog_Bowl_1 by jnatzic
#1 dog bowl by robhare


Showing last 20 comments - View All



Wed, 04 Mar 2015 00:30:57 +0000
so who&;s the winner? :D
Fri, 23 Jan 2015 19:30:28 +0000
ZULFA IS A winner for me ..................................



Mon, 15 Dec 2014 15:56:23 +0000
Hi Troy,
Which monday are you mentioning
Sun, 30 Nov 2014 00:24:27 +0000
I will be choosing the winners on Monday you guys have sure well over exceeded my expectations and made this very hard decision.... you are all winners in my book
BTW I hope everyone had a good holiday if you celebrate it.
Be back Monday....

Thanks Troy



Sun, 23 Nov 2014 17:39:27 +0000
Wow....KenCad marvelous rendering

My salute to you from distance.... :)



Sun, 23 Nov 2014 16:53:49 +0000
Im sorry for my spammed entry, please help me delete my excess entries -




Sun, 23 Nov 2014 10:29:55 +0000
Dear Troy,

On behalf of all my fellow designer friends:
Will you announce & award for 1st ,2nd and 3 winner.

Just asking:)

Thank You



Fri, 07 Nov 2014 17:33:23 +0000
I forgot to mention one other feature...I have included a molded in place water-line fill marker...



Fri, 07 Nov 2014 17:28:53 +0000
Dear Inventors Corp, I would like to point out a couple of features in the design I have submitted. I wanted to create something unique that would provide more function to your product, so I have included tabs that allow you to easily carry each bowl while they are full of water and pet food; if you were to fill the water at the sink for instance. The design also allows you to stack and carry multiple bowls by turning one bowl 45 degrees over the other, locking them together. regarding my question above, this design will only let you stack same size bowls. We can certainly discus refinements and design changes if needed. Thank you...



Fri, 07 Nov 2014 15:19:32 +0000
Question: Do you want the three different sizes stackable or the individual sizes stackable?



Sun, 02 Nov 2014 10:55:53 +0000
Troy Testa thanks for rating the design.
Your indication have gave us guideline on which to focus & tweak.
Please let us know if you intend to closed earlier.
I might have few other design to proposed.

Thank You
Have a nice day



Mon, 27 Oct 2014 18:28:54 +0000
Hello sir, do you have specific dimensions for example the base diameter for the largest plate if you wanted it to be circle.
Or length and width dimensions for the same base plate if you wanted it square or elongated in shape.

as i can make a very large or very small plate. :D
Mon, 27 Oct 2014 11:45:06 +0000
@ Albertus Putra the Material is a bio bamboo eco friendly composite can be injection molded just like plastic.

Albertus Putra


Mon, 27 Oct 2014 08:20:53 +0000
so the main materials is bamboo? and it will wrapped by plastic?
Sun, 26 Oct 2014 22:09:56 +0000
@ TomyAsa... My Sketch looks exactly like RobHare&;s design
Sun, 26 Oct 2014 04:59:30 +0000
Sun, 26 Oct 2014 04:25:16 +0000
sir can you upload rought sketch ?
Sun, 26 Oct 2014 03:19:19 +0000
Ahhhh Yes sir, you caught me. You would be correct that would be a plus for the larger dogs. I believe we should consider this option.

Thank You,
Troy Testa, Inventors, Corp.



Sun, 26 Oct 2014 02:51:27 +0000
You miss-out the raised feeders...
Do we need to cater for this option?
It is a whereby we add additional parts to heighten the level from floor to another height.

Thank You
Sun, 26 Oct 2014 01:56:21 +0000
Wow fantastic response guys.
@ prabhasara The three sizes should stack with there respective size for shipping as I will be ordering 5000 of each size
@ KeyConcepts what can I say your design is really great! My Thoughts are the mote and drinking area are a bit small remember drool factor. Really love the SS insert you defiantly impress me with your design. how a little tweaking.
@ zulfadzryl you my friend Have certantly made several valid points all across the board. I have found a manufacture that could make this out of a biodegradable bamboo composite that would make a lot of sense. the SS design is much more expensive so thinking plastic at the moment.
1) Plastic manufacture via injection molding and Sus are by deep drawn stamping

2) Features :
- Generally are the most affordable VERY GOOD
- Come in tip resistant and heavy duty styles I LIKE HEAVY DUTY AND TIP PROOF
- Can be chewed, which may cause breakage BIODEGRADABLE A BIG PLUS
- Some pets may be allergic AAAAAAACHHHHHHUUUUUUU

Sus @ Stainless Steel :
- Do not rust TRUE
- Cannot be chewed VERY TRUE
- Are easy to clean and dishwasher safe A PLUS
- Animals are not likely to be allergic ONCE AGAIN AAAAAACCCCHHHHUUUUUU LOL
- Come in non-skid types (puppies often chew on this non-slip ring so it may need to be removed) GREAT POINT FOR DISCLAMER DONT WANT TO CHOKE A PUPPY!
- May have a slightly higher initial cost THE INNITAL COST IS DOUBLE RRRRRR

I want to again to thank you for these great and valid points to consider.
I am very pleased with this site and find it amazing how simple it is to work with designers from all around the world. I look forward to hosting many contests here. This one is the less complicated one to start with but all designers that enter will be privately invited on the next one that coming very soon...

Thanks again guys,
Inventively Yours, Troy Testa / Inventors, Corp.

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