Manufacturing, 3D printing and rapid prototyping forum discussion

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MacKenzie Brown
The goal of this forum category is to ask questions and share insights with the community about manufacturing, 3D printing and rapid prototyping. Some of the possible areas for discussion include B2B manufacturing and new product development. 
This might be exactly what I am looking for. 

I have no developed prototype or cad design. I have an idea, with a very crude non-assembled form of a prototype (PTT-acronym) So my PTT is likely not going to be the final form I will use, so I am in the process of refining my idea.So I reallyneed


I have to keepplacingmy cursorbetweeenwords toproperlyset them apart?

Let's start there first
Where 3D printing is used ?
Ratinder Kaur
alisha wrote:Where 3D printing is used ?
3D printing is a process of creating three dimensional solid objects from a digital file, enabling the production of complex shapes using less material compared to traditional manufacturing methods.

3D Printer is used to fabricate buildings and construction components. 3D printing helps in creating the prototype for complex geometrical elements. Building Information Modeling (BIM) Technology facilitates meaningful usage of 3D printing. Expert professionals print buildings in 3D to provide a realistic feel for future construction.

Benefits include:

i. Faster Construction
ii. Enhanced Accuracy
iii. Reduced Labor Cost
iv. Greater Integration of Function
v. Less Waste Production
vi. Risk Minimization
Ratinder Kaur wrote:
alisha wrote:Where 3D printing is used ?
3D printing is a process of creating three dimensional solid objects from a digital file, enabling the production of complex shapes using less material compared to traditional manufacturing methods.

3D Printer is used to fabricate buildings and construction components. 3D printing helps in creating the prototype for complex geometrical elements. Building Information Modeling (BIM) Technology facilitates meaningful usage of 3D printing. Expert professionals print buildings in 3D to provide a realistic feel for future construction.

Benefits include:

i. Faster Construction
ii. Enhanced Accuracy
iii. Reduced Labor Cost
iv. Greater Integration of Function
v. Less Waste Production
vi. Risk Minimizationi
I am still doubting about what you said " Enhanced Accuracy" of 3D printing manufacturing...What is the highest accuracy grade a 3D printer can achieve in your opinion ?
Hi all,

I apologize if it's not the right place to ask questions like this.

I'd like to design something similar to this product: ... -timer.jpg

I love how the outer ring can be rotated and then the software can detect this movement. I'd like to have an LCD screen too.

Unfortunately I have no idea how to start designing it. I've already made progress with the software and electronics part of this project, I'm using an ESP8266 and a round LCD screen and a rotary encoder.

But I'm stuck with the CAD design, I don't know how I can design it in a way that this outer ring can rotate freely while it's still attached to the main enclosure. Also how will the rotary encoder be able to detect this movement?

I'll be grateful for any suggestions.

You can do that in many ways.Most important is your price tag for this device.You have different sensors,proximity,rotation sensor.etc.. Just make your programm.If we take your picture as example.. I suppose thats some time counter.. you have 60 sec for each minute..And you have 360deg sensor.. so 1sec = 6deg,full rotation = 1 min
CDdesignSTUDIO wrote:Would you be able or willing to help me with the CAD design of this project? I'm stuck with the mechanical part of this project, meaning that I can't come up with the CAD designs that can be printed.
Do you have short briefing PDF ? Just to get idea about your product..but yea,why not
@CDdesignSTUDIO: This is all I have:
Let me know if you need more details.
freeman wrote:
Ratinder Kaur wrote:
alisha wrote:Where 3D printing is used ?
3D printing is a process of creating three dimensional solid objects from a digital file, enabling the production of complex shapes using less material compared to traditional manufacturing methods.

3D Printer is used to fabricate buildings and construction components. 3D printing helps in creating the prototype for complex geometrical elements. Building Information Modeling (BIM) Technology facilitates meaningful usage of 3D printing. Expert professionals print buildings in 3D to provide a realistic feel for future construction.

Benefits include:

i. Faster Construction
ii. Enhanced Accuracy
iii. Reduced Labor Cost
iv. Greater Integration of Function
v. Less Waste Production
vi. Risk Minimizationi
I am still doubting about what you said " Enhanced Accuracy" of 3D printing manufacturing...What is the highest accuracy grade a 3D printer can achieve in your opinion ?

The degree to which the measured dimensions of a product resemble the nominal values of the original model indicates how accurate three-dimensional (3D) printing is. 

Dimensional accuracy is therefore crucial to figuring out whether the machine can reliably generate each object in accordance with the desired outcomes.

A desktop FDM 3D printer is around 0.5 mm accurate. An industrial FDM printer has an accuracy of about 0.2 mm.

Greater than +/- 0.5 mm is BAD
Less than +/- 0.5 mm is AVERAGE
Less than +/- 0.2 mm is GOOD
Less than +/- 0.1 mm is FANTASTIC.

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