"Recyclable tent" Contest

1 Reply | 4,844 Views
Hi, dear Designers,

I just wanted to update you about the Recyclable tent contest, posted to Cad Crowd few days back.

As you know, unfortunately, the contest was canceled within 48 hours of being posted. 

Usually, these terms apply to posted contests, however given the short duration a refund was issued. We've changed our policy to reflect a cancelation fee to prevent this from happening in the future. 

The buyer realized that they had not done sufficient research into the idea in order to run a successful contest. Hopefully the project will be reposted after the buyer does some additional research.

Remember to "watch" a contest to get email alerts on comments, status updates or cancellation notices.

Please feel free to make suggestions on how to improve the success rate of future contests.

Lucian Cana
Cad Crowd
Suite 900, 517 - 10th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2R 0A8 Canada
T: 1.877.880.8850 (Canada & United States)
E: lucian@cadcrowd.com
Thank you

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