Cad Crowd Management

8 Replies | 5,692 Views
I have only recently returned to this site and it seems strange to me that there is very little interaction from the Cad Crowd owners/employees?

From this side of the fence, it appears as if there is not much interest which is a shame as the concept has much greater potential.
What sort of interaction are you looking for.

MacKenzie Brown posts informative design articles all the time, and Lucian Cana stays on top of contest issues without delay....... ???

Either one of them will answer any inquiries you have in a heartbeat.
Is all CadCrowd is, is a giant parking lot.

You have a food truck and park here for free selling sandwiches hoping yours tastes better than the competition.

What you do with that is completely managed by yourself.
My point was referring to the forum in particular which is the public face of Cad Crowd. Your comment above sums up how it is seen by myself and probably many others "managed by yourself"
Hi DesignAssist,

We check the forums once at few days or at 1-2 weeks, since there is no much activity here. We try to answer to most of the questions or suggestions.

For the time being we use the forums mainly for new announcements (bugs, news, feedback etc). 

As Adam has mentioned, for important issues we try to answer asap, but usually these things are through email.

Hi Lucian

I think there would be a lot more activity in the forum if people where getting faster responses.
DesignAssist wrote:My point was referring to the forum in particular which is the public face of Cad Crowd. Your comment above sums up how it is seen by myself and probably many others "managed by yourself"
And my point is, you are not paying for any service provided by CadCrowd, in fact, they are doing you a service. So to complain about how the website operates after only being here a few weeks, with no fees coming out of your pocket, seems sort of silly to me.
as a matter of fact, the "freedom" of CadCrowd is what is so wonderful.

Take a jog over to or other freelance sites where you have to submit a DNA sample just to be authorized to log in. 

This is a "restriction free zone" and will always be. 

It used to be a nice quite place to have a little fun and sharpen design skills, but the bigger the community gets, the more irritated I get by whiners wanting to change things thinking the website should be something other than what they envisioned.
Just trying to get an idea of the way things work and putting over my observation - not whining, not trying to irritate anyone, not trying to change anything and not complaining. 

Lucian answered my question and I commented back to him.

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