Hi Sohaib, Hopefully, your question was answered in the support email discussion. Wanted to share a public answer in case others have the same question. Job offers from clients and candidates can be modified (edited) for rates and milestones. However, when a client or expert withdraws (i.e., cancels) an offer, no further offers can be sent for the job. Our dev team will update the ability for clients to resend contract offers shortly.As a workaround, clients can send a new contract offer to any expert by clicking the “Hire” button on the expert’s profile page (see screenshot below).

The limit expert on applications was intended to prevent spam when one user sends multiple offers to the same job.Also, we aim to roll out a job credits system (refilled monthly) to limit the number of expert proposals to a reasonable number. Preventing multiple offers blocks spam submissions. Once the job credits are added, candidates can reapply if they accidentally withdraw an offer. If anyone has questions, please let me know.