Your weekly billing report dashboard and email summarize your expenses for job contracts, including hourly contracts and escrow payments for fixed-rate jobs.
🚀 In this article
📡 The platform uses the UTC timezone for automated billing and contract payments.
Your weekly billing report
Billing report dashboard: Your weekly billing report dashboard shows your spending by the job contract category. Billable hours tracked with the Cad Crowd App are added to the work journal timesheets, and the manual time entries are included on the manual time page. The fixed-rate payments and other costs contain escrow deposits, retainers, and bonus payments.
Work journal timesheets: The timesheets section of your dashboard shows a daily breakdown of the expert’s weekly billable hours. The yellow squares represent manual time entries added by an expert. You can view your expert’s daily work journals by clicking on the bold time entry text.
Fixed-rate & other: The fixed-rate and other payments dashboard shows your escrow transfers for fixed-rate jobs and other payment categories (i.e., bonuses, weekly retainers, etc.).
Weekly billing report email
Your weekly billing email report includes a weekly overview, work journal timesheets, fixed-rate expenses, and bonus amounts. The email is automatically sent every week to your account’s owner.
Example of a weekly billing report email:

Questions and answers
âš¡ Is the weekly billing report dashboard and weekly email the same?
Yes, the weekly billing report dashboard and email contain the same information. The dashboard and email exclude our platform service fees.
âš¡ Can I share the weekly billing report dashboard with my team members?
You can share your billing report dashboard on your permission settings with your team members by changing a user’s account status from member to admin.
âš¡ Can my team members see the weekly billing report email?
The weekly billing report email is only sent to your main account and isn’t sent to your company’s team members.