Edit the hourly rate for a job contract

You can increase the hourly rate for a job contract at any time. If you and the expert agree to reduce the hourly rate, you can ask the expert to edit the rate in their contract workspace.

How to increase the hourly rate for a job contract

It’s a three-step process:

  1. Visit your Job contracts and click the job
  2. Select the Terms & settings tab
  3. Click edit rate and Save button

Your updated hourly rate changes in real-time, and future billable hours will use your new rate. Any hours logged before the edit to the hourly rate are billed at the old rate.

🚀 Tip: If you want to lower the hourly rate on a job contract, you can ask the expert to edit it on their Workspace settings page. If you want to lower the rate on the expert’s behalf, you can close the job and send an offer to rehire the expert with the new rate.

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