Allow an expert to edit your employer review

Experts may ask to edit a review posted on your employer profile, and your approval is needed before a change is allowed.

Be cautious when allowing an update to your review since the expert can increase or decrease your employer score. You are given a 14-day window to consider the expert’s request to edit a review posted on your employer profile. Keep in mind that a modification is permitted once for a job contract.

Steps to allow an expert to make edits to their review

See the following steps:

  1. Visit your Job contracts
  2. Click on job contract
  3. Select Terms & settings > click Allow expert to edit review

The platform uses double-blind reviews, so the feature that allows experts to edit employer reviews is only visible after both parties share a review (or after the 14-day review deadline ends).

📡 Remember: You can only allow an edit to your employer review once for a job contract.

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