Your job contracts may be temporarily suspended if your primary payment method fails or your credit card expires. Although this may cause concern, you can resolve the issue by adding a new payment method and paying the pending account balance.
Steps to re-activate your job contracts:
- Payment method: Add a new primary payment method to your account
- Credit card: Add a credit card to your account > visit your Billing & payments > set as your primary payment method
- PayPal: Add a PayPal account (or re-connect your PayPal account) > visit your Billing & payments > set as your primary payment method
- Pay balance due: Visit your Billing & payments > click the Pay button to pay the balance due
🚀 Remember: If you add a backup payment option to your account, you’ll lower the chances of a contract suspension due to a past-due balance. Contact our support team if you have issues adding a new payment method or paying a past-due balance.