Edit your hourly rate for a job contract

You can modify your rate on your active hourly job contracts.

Reasons to update your contract’s hourly rate may include:

  • Work difficulty: The job is less or more challenging than you initially anticipated
  • Long-term discounts: You want to give a long-term work discount to a reliable client
  • Increased skills: You want the hourly rate to reflect your growing skillset throughout a long-term hourly contract
  • Costs/expenses: Other factors to increase your hourly rate may include increased work costs related to software licenses, server farm resources, etc.

Note: You only can decrease your rate for an hourly job contract. If you want to increase your hourly rate, your client must initiate and approve the change. The client determines the option to raise your rate hourly; however, you can contact the client and ask for an increase in your hourly rate.

Decrease your hourly rate

Use the following steps if you want to decrease your rate for an hourly job contract:

  1. Go to My contracts
  2. Select a job contract
  3. Click Terms & settings tab in your workspace
  4. Click ✎ icon next to your rate
  5. Update your hourly rate > click Save button

Your job contract is updated in real-time when you change your hourly rate. All hours moving forward will use your new rate for the hourly job contract.

Update rates for fixed-rate job contracts

The client can update a fixed-rate job contract payment to reflect an updated work scope or add an extra milestone payment ($5.00 USD minimum per milestone). You can suggest an increase/decrease to a milestone in progress, and the request is reviewed and approved at the client’s discretion.

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