You may report a contest for any of the following reasons:
- Abandoned contest: You can report a contest if a client launched a payment pending contest and hasn’t logged in for several days (you can click on the client profile to view the last login time).
- Inappropriate content: If a contest is offensive or explicit, explicit or not family-friendly. Remember that all publicly viewable content/text/images must be G-rated.
- The contest has more than one task: Clients must post separate contests for different tasks. Please report these contests, and we’ll chat with the client to figure out a fair alternative solution for their contest.
- Asking for non-design services: You can tell us if a client project contains work we don’t offer through public design contests (i.e., physical prototypes, manufacturing, 3D printing services, etc.).
- Suspicious, unusual, or fraudulent activity: Let us know if anything seems strange about a contest or if something is suspicious about the designer that is chosen as the winner. We’ll investigate and resolve the issue.
You can send us a message by clicking the report contest button on the contest page or by sending a message using the contact us page.

Report a design contest