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ashleyc1 $30/hr

Ashley C.

2D & 3D Drafting Designer

  • Floor Plans
  • CAD Design
  • 3D Design
  • 2D & 3D Design
  • 2D & 3D Drafting
  • Rendering
  • 3D Interior Rendering Design
  • 3D Modeling and Animation
  • 3D Vehicle Designing
  • Trimble LayOut
  • Enscape3D
  • SketchUp Pro

Last updated: Feb 28, 2025

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Trusted by:
Yale University School of Medicine
Tiffany & Co.
CNOOC Limited
The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring 2D & 3D Drafting Designers

Hire a freelance 2D & 3D Drafting designer! Find the perfect freelancer from our list of 2D & 3D Drafting freelancers.

A draft is an important instrument for designers and creators of products to begin to conceptualize what it is they intend to manufacture. Through the use of drafting, designers can look at a digital design of the product or machine in question and ensure that it is what they need. If changes need to be made to the design, they can be tweaked on the screen instead of waiting to change things once time and resources have already been spent bringing the product to life. When it comes to drafting for a new product, both 2D and 3D drafting have their benefits. If you are looking to have your design drafted, Cad Crowd has 2D and 3D drafting freelancers ready to take on your project.

2D drafting is a process that supports two different dimensions, including width and height. The depth or thickness of the item in question is not considered. The 2D drafting is done using shapes such as circles, rectangles, squares, triangles and other geometric shapes. There are three main uses for 2D drafting: construction drawing, product drawing, and line drawing. Construction drawing is used for designing architecture, floor plans, buildings, M&E drawings and more. Product drawing allows for the basic idea of the drawing to be printed and examined in person. Line drawing is best for things such as map drawings, schematics, and other simple layout drawings.

3D drafting can create drawings that are more detailed, intricate and complex. 3D drafting shows depth for more realistic drawings that are easier to understand than a 2D drawing. For those who are hoping to draft a new product and discuss it with a third party such as customers, buyers, salespeople, and suppliers, having a 3D draft makes communicating the features and benefits easier because the end product reflects a more realistic view of the item.

Both 2D and 3D drafting have their benefits for their respective industries. Whether you need schematics developed or are prepared to draft your company's product, Cad Crowd can help. At Cad Crowd, we offer you the chance to work with professional 2D and 3D drafting designers from around the world, all of which have been heavily vetted to be able to take on any project. Let us take on the burden of computer designing for you so that you can focus on other aspects of your project.

At Cad Crowd, you can browse through all of our freelance 2D and 3D drafting experts to find the one whose body of work impresses you the most. You can also turn over the selection process to Cad Crowd and let us determine which one of our talented 2D and 3D drafting freelancers we believe is best for you by sending your project to us. Either way, you can contact Cad Crowd today for a free, no obligation quote on your unique 2D and 3D drafting project.

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