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Roberts P.

CSWP Certification Designer

  • 2D Drafting
  • Sheet Metal Design
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Mechanical Design
  • Engineering Design
  • Weldment Design
  • CAD Design
  • Surfacing
  • Drafting
  • 2D & 3D Design
  • Surface Design & Modeling
  • 2D & 3D Drafting
  • Industrial Equipment
  • AutoCAD
  • SolidWorks

Last updated: Mar 10, 2025

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Trusted by:
Yale University School of Medicine
Tiffany & Co.
CNOOC Limited
The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring CSWP Certification Designers

Cad Crowd is the place where people can find the planet’s top planet for SolidWorks-related design. It is our basic goal to connect clients with freelance CSWP certified experts capable of creating the best design for their project/product.  This is one of the main reasons that make us sure that your final design will match your specific needs.  Don’t waste your time when you need to find help online and link to top notch professional CSWP freelancers from Cad Crowd.

CSWP is an abbreviation for Certified SolidWorks Professional. In order to become a CSWP, you will need to pass the company’s advanced skills examination.  Every CSWP has shown that they are able to analyze and design parametric parts and mobile assemblies with the help of many different features found in SolidWorks program. Before they can pass the exam, these experts must take training courses like SolidWorks Drawings, SolidWorks Essentials, Advanced Assembly Modeling, and Advanced Part Modeling. 

Since this is a very complex field, it is the best idea to separate it into a few parts and highlight the things that CSWP experts have mastered. First of all, they are mastering things like making parts from drawings, utilizing linked equations and dimensions to help in modeling, utilizing equations to relate dimensions, mass property analysis, updating dimension sizes and parameters, modifying parameters, modifying geometry on starting part to make a more advanced part etc. Next, they know how to change configurations, make configurations based on other configurations, altering and reorganizing features of SolidWorks parts, creating configurations based on design table etc. Finally, they can also create coordinate systems, detect interference, create an assembly, use coordinate systems to conduct mass properties analysis, perform collision detection, and much more.

SolidWorks is a CAD program that is used in many different industries including the sports and fashion industry, the automobile industry, the design industry, the space exploration industry and many other industries. So, using the service of CSWP expert like the ones from Cad Crowd can definitely be very helpful.

All the designers on our platform will work closely with each client over the entire design process from the beginning to the end. There are many different design services and other types of services provided by CSWP experts and we are quite sure that you’ll find everything you need from our experts. 

The Cad Crowd community now includes over 12000 CAD experts from different countries in the world. It’s our job to connect every client with exceptional freelancers providing CSWP services at a reasonable price. We are sure that you can’t find these high-quality services at comparable prices from ordinary design companies. So, send us the details about your project and we will carefully analyze these details before recommending some of our best freelancers. Don’t forget that the quote is free!

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