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DavidSmith1 $16/hr

David S.

Dynamic Mechanical Analysis Designer

  • 3D Models
  • 3D Modeling
  • Shop Drawings
  • Mechanical Design
  • Mechanical Drafting
  • CAD Design
  • Conceptual Design
  • Design Calculation
  • Product Design
  • Drafting

Last updated: Mar 25, 2025

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The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring Dynamic Mechanical Analysis Designers

Dynamic mechanical analysis is the technique that allows people to characterize materials and study them as well. It is most often used in terms of analyzing the viscoelastic behavior of polymers. Furthermore, it is easier for a person to figure out the complex modulus because of the way that the strain in the material and the way that the sinusoidal stress is applied to the structure during analysis, making for more accurate computations. The frequency of the stress and the temperature of the stress often change, and that offers changes in the complex modulus. Because of this, you can use the approach to locate the glass transition temperature of any given material while looking at the transitions in the way that they correspond to other motions on a molecular level. It can be a long and complicated process to complete a dynamic mechanical analysis, and the dynamic mechanical analysis freelancers at Cad Crowd are ready to get it all done for you.

There are a number of different ways that dynamic mechanical analysis can be applied to real world industries. This includes the measurement of a polymer's glass transition temperature. Polymers that are amorphous will come with different kinds of glass transition temperatures, and going above that temperature will mean a rubbery feel instead of one that is glassy. This will reduce the stiffness of the material you are using, and that means that an increase of viscosity will occur. The right balance for each polymer needs to be found, and by using the dynamic mechanical analysis, this can be done.

Furthermore, the polymer composition can be examined. The composition of any given polymer can drastically change the functionality and dynamic mechanical analysis is needed in order to see if you need to alter or edit the work to get the polymer type and composition that you want. There are two different ways to analyze a polymer: free resonance analyzers and forced resonance analyzers. Free resonance analyzers will measure the oscillations of the sample by first swinging and suspending it. The restriction of this method lies in the fact that it is restricted for use on only rectangular or rod-shaped samples. Forced resonance analyzers are more common and make the sample oscillate at a designated frequency, making this method of analyzation better for observing a temperature sweep.


At Cad Crowd, we can connect you with one of the many dynamic mechanical analysis freelancers in our global pool that you can hire to work on your project. Each one of the freelance dynamic mechanical analysis experts that we have access to have been thoroughly vetted to ensure that they can handle any sort of project concerning dynamic mechanical analysis. You can work with the freelancer closely, keeping in contact with the analyzer in order to be sure that everything is going the way you had hoped. Your project will be returned before the deadline and within the budget. Get in touch with Cad Crowd today to get a no-obligation price quote.

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