Hire the best freelance ENOVIA expert designers for your company

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Trusted by
US Army Corps of Engineers

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Manojkumar Mani $10/hr

Manojkumar M.

ENOVIA Designer

  • Fixture Design
  • Welding
  • Assembly Drafting
  • CAD Design
  • BIW
  • Product Design
  • Drafting
  • Product Design and Development
  • 3D Mechanical Design
  • GD&T
  • AutoCAD
  • SolidWorks

Last updated: Mar 6, 2025

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Trusted by:
Yale University School of Medicine
Tiffany & Co.
CNOOC Limited
The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring ENOVIA Designers

Powered by the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, ENOVIA is a powerful design solution. If you are looking for ENOVIA freelancers who can bring their considerable creativity and experience to your project, Cad Crowd can help. With a global network that consists of thousands of professional, experienced freelancers, you can be certain that we can help you in your need for ENOVIA services. Our freelancers can handle all aspects of ENVOIA, making it easy for you to find a freelance ENVOIA designer who can help you to bring your project to completion.

Featuring a diverse portfolio of both technical applications and business applications, ENOVIA gives you the ability to work with Bill of Materials Management, Configuration and Change Management, Design Management, Global Product Development, and much more. ENOVIA services can also cover a number of industry-specific solutions, including Aerospace and Defense, Architecture, Engineering, and Construction, Consumer Goods and Retail, Consumer Packaged Goods and Retail, and much more. 

We'll connect you with a freelance ENVOIA designer who can work with any of these possibilities, ensuring you have the experience that you are looking for. ENVOIA freelancers can bring their experience with one aspect of this solution to your project. At the same time, if your project is going to rely on ENVOIA on a number of different levels, then you are going to want to make sure you have a professional who can accommodate you. Cad Crowd can help you to find a single freelancer, or we can help you connect with a number of qualified professionals, if that's what your project calls for.

Simply submit your proposal to us for a free quote. We'll review your specific project requirements and connect you with the best candidate from our roster of top-tier, pre-qualified design and engineering professionals. Regardless of what you are looking for in the realm of ENVOIA, you can be certain that Cad Crowd can help.

ENVOIA works with a diverse range of disciplines and industry-specific solutions. This solution gives users and companies the ability to maintain productivity within your multi-CAD integrations. Cad Crowd can offer hundreds of freelancers who have diverse experience with one or several different elements of ENVOIA. With our freelancers in your corner, you are going to have the ability to maintain your project timeline and budget. A freelance ENVOIA is going to be able to bring their experience to the project, whether you require short-term services, or if your project is in fact in need of long-term services.

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